Manousos Klados, PhD
Manousos Klados, PhD
Associate Professor in Psychology, CITY College, University of York Europe Campus
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Cited by
A review of physical and cognitive interventions in aging
PD Bamidis, AB Vivas, C Styliadis, C Frantzidis, M Klados, W Schlee, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 44, 206-220, 2014
Are females more responsive to emotional stimuli? A neurophysiological study across arousal and valence dimensions
C Lithari, CA Frantzidis, C Papadelis, AB Vivas, MA Klados, ...
Brain topography 23, 27-40, 2010
Consensus on the reporting and experimental design of clinical and cognitive-behavioural neurofeedback studies (CRED-nf checklist)
T Ros, S Enriquez-Geppert, V Zotev, KD Young, G Wood, ...
Brain 143 (6), 1674-1685, 2020
On the classification of emotional biosignals evoked while viewing affective pictures: an integrated data-mining-based approach for healthcare applications
CA Frantzidis, C Bratsas, MA Klados, E Konstantinidis, CD Lithari, ...
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 14 (2), 309-318, 2010
REG-ICA: a hybrid methodology combining blind source separation and regression techniques for the rejection of ocular artifacts
MA Klados, C Papadelis, C Braun, PD Bamidis
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 6 (3), 291-300, 2011
A semi-simulated EEG/EOG dataset for the comparison of EOG artifact rejection techniques
MA Klados, PD Bamidis
Data in brief 8, 1004-1006, 2016
Functional disorganization of small-world brain networks in mild Alzheimer's Disease and amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: an EEG study using Relative Wavelet Entropy (RWE)
CA Frantzidis, AB Vivas, A Tsolaki, MA Klados, M Tsolaki, PD Bamidis
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 6, 224, 2014
A framework combining delta event‐related oscillations (EROs) and synchronisation effects (ERD/ERS) to study emotional processing
MA Klados, C Frantzidis, AB Vivas, C Papadelis, C Lithari, C Pappas, ...
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2009 (1), 549419, 2009
ERP measures of math anxiety: how math anxiety affects working memory and mental calculation tasks?
MA Klados, P Simos, S Micheloyannis, D Margulies, PD Bamidis
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 9, 282, 2015
Beta-band functional connectivity is reorganized in mild cognitive impairment after combined computerized physical and cognitive training
MA Klados, C Styliadis, CA Frantzidis, E Paraskevopoulos, PD Bamidis
Frontiers in neuroscience 10, 55, 2016
Investigating the role of alpha and beta rhythms in functional motor networks
A Athanasiou, MA Klados, C Styliadis, N Foroglou, K Polyzoidis, ...
Neuroscience 378, 54-70, 2018
Alcohol affects the brain's resting-state network in social drinkers
C Lithari, MA Klados, C Pappas, M Albani, D Kapoukranidou, L Kovatsi, ...
PloS one 7 (10), e48641, 2012
A graph theoretical approach to study the organization of the cortical networks during different mathematical tasks
MA Klados, K Kanatsouli, I Antoniou, F Babiloni, V Tsirka, PD Bamidis, ...
PLoS One 8 (8), e71800, 2013
Math anxiety: Brain cortical network changes in anticipation of doing mathematics
MA Klados, N Pandria, S Micheloyannis, D Margulies, PD Bamidis
International Journal of Psychophysiology 122, 24-31, 2017
A systematic review of investigations into functional brain connectivity following spinal cord injury
A Athanasiou, MA Klados, N Pandria, N Foroglou, KR Kavazidi, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11, 517, 2017
Long-term impacts of prenatal synthetic glucocorticoids exposure on functional brain correlates of cognitive monitoring in adolescence
L Ilg, M Klados, N Alexander, C Kirschbaum, SC Li
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 7715, 2018
Resting-state functional connectivity and network analysis of cerebellum with respect to IQ and gender
VC Pezoulas, M Zervakis, S Michelogiannis, MA Klados
Frontiers in human neuroscience 11, 189, 2017
The impact of math anxiety on working memory: A cortical activations and cortical functional connectivity EEG study
MA Klados, E Paraskevopoulos, N Pandria, PD Bamidis
IEEE Access 7, 15027-15039, 2019
How does the metric choice affect brain functional connectivity networks?
C Lithari, MA Klados, C Papadelis, C Pappas, M Albani, PD Bamidis
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (3), 228-236, 2012
Automatic recognition of personality profiles using EEG functional connectivity during emotional processing
MA Klados, P Konstantinidi, R Dacosta-Aguayo, VD Kostaridou, ...
Brain sciences 10 (5), 278, 2020
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Articles 1–20