George Kalmpourtzis
George Kalmpourtzis
Laboratoire d'Innovation et Numérique pour l'Éducation (LINE), Université Côte d'Azur
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Cited by
Educational Game Design Fundamentals: A journey to creating intrinsically motivating learning experiences
G Kalmpourtzis
AK Peters/CRC Press, 2018
Connecting game design with problem posing skills in early childhood
G Kalmpourtzis
British journal of educational technology 50 (2), 846-860, 2019
Developing kindergarten studentsą game design skills by teaching game design through organized game design interventions
G Kalmpourtzis
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78 (14), 20485-20510, 2019
Constructive alignment in game design for learning activities in higher education
M Romero, G Kalmpourtzis
Information 11 (3), 126, 2020
Constructive alignment of learning mechanics and game mechanics in Serious Game design in Higher Education
G Kalmpourtzis, M Romero
International Journal of Serious Games 7 (4), 75-88, 2020
Teaching game design to students of the early childhood through Forest Maths
G Kalmpourtzis, L Vrysis, A Veglis
2016 11th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and …, 2016
Find the jackalop: a game enhancing young children's spatial thinking
G Kalmpourtzis
CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1165-1170, 2014
Artifactual affordances in playful robotics
G Kalmpourtzis, M Romero
Games and Learning Alliance: 9th International Conference, GALA 2020, Laval …, 2020
Examining the impact of an interactive storytelling platform on educational contexts through contemporary crowdsourcing methods of audiovisual content publishing
G Kalmpourtzis, G Ketsiakidis, L Vrysis, M Romero
2020 15th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and …, 2020
Constructive alignment in game design for learning activities in higher education. Information, 11 (3), 126
M Romero, G Kalmpourtzis
Teaching of spatial thinking in early childhood through game-based learning: The use of the iPad
G Kalmpourtzis
InECGBL20 14–8th European Conference on Games Based Learning: ECGBL 2014, 231, 2014
The role of adults in giving and receiving feedback for game design sessions with students of the early childhood
G Kalmpourtzis, L Vrysis, G Ketsiakidis
Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning: Proceedings of …, 2018
Cooking STEAM: A case study on establishing a STEAM learning community using a performative framework and cooking
N Moumoutzis, C Xanthaki, I Maragkoudakis, S Christodoulakis, ...
Interactive mobile communication, technologies and learning, 907-916, 2021
An affordance-based framework for the design and analysis of learning activities in playful educational robotics contexts
G Kalmpourtzis, M Romero
Interactive Learning Environments 32 (6), 2744-2757, 2024
An analysis for the identification of use and development of game design strategies as problem posing activities for early childhood learners
G Kalmpourtzis, M Romero, C De Smet, A Veglis
Internet of Things, Infrastructures and Mobile Applications: Proceedings of …, 2021
Eliciting Educatorsą Needs on the Design and Application of Augmented Reality Educational Board Games on Cultural Heritage: The case of CHARMap
G Kalmpourtzis, G Ketsiakidis, L Vrysis, T Xi, XL Wang, C Dimoulas
2021 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1282-1286, 2021
Donąt Force It, Solve It!: How To Design Meaningful and Efficient Design Processes
G Kalmpourtzis
CRC Press, 2022
The Role of Early Childhood Students in the Design of Digital and Physical Games
G Kalmpourtzis, A Veglis, L Vrysis, G Ketsiakidis
ECGBL 2018 12th European Conference on Game-Based Learning, 274, 2018
Metacognition and self-regulated learning in a manipulative robotic problem-solving task
M Romero, G Kalmpourtzis
Metacognition and Education: Future Trends, 105-123, 0
What about UX for kids?
G Kalmpourtzis
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Articles 1–20