George Matsopoulos
George Matsopoulos
Prof., School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Natioanl Technical University of Athens
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Cited by
A computer-aided diagnostic system to characterize CT focal liver lesions: design and optimization of a neural network classifier
M Gletsos, SG Mougiakakou, GK Matsopoulos, KS Nikita, AS Nikita, ...
IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine 7 (3), 153-162, 2003
Automatic retinal image registration scheme using global optimization techniques
GK Matsopoulos, NA Mouravliansky, KK Delibasis, KS Nikita
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 3 (1), 47-60, 1999
Multiresolution morphological fusion of MR and CT images of the human brain
GK Matsopoulos, S Marshall, JNH Brunt
IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing 141 (3), 137-142, 1994
A review of ARIMA vs. machine learning approaches for time series forecasting in data driven networks
VI Kontopoulou, AD Panagopoulos, I Kakkos, GK Matsopoulos
Future Internet 15 (8), 255, 2023
Multimodal registration of retinal images using self organizing maps
GK Matsopoulos, PA Asvestas, NA Mouravliansky, KK Delibasis
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 23 (12), 1557-1563, 2004
Mental workload drives different reorganizations of functional cortical connectivity between 2D and 3D simulated flight experiments
I Kakkos, GN Dimitrakopoulos, L Gao, Y Zhang, P Qi, GK Matsopoulos, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 27 (9 …, 2019
A novel and efficient implementation of the marching cubes algorithm
KS Delibasis, GK Matsopoulos, NA Mouravliansky, KS Nikita
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 25 (4), 343-352, 2001
Contrast enhancement of images using partitioned iterated function systems
TL Economopoulos, PA Asvestas, GK Matsopoulos
Image and vision computing 28 (1), 45-54, 2010
Assessment of dynamic functional connectivity in resting‐state fMRI using the sliding window technique
AD Savva, GD Mitsis, GK Matsopoulos
Brain and behavior 9 (4), e01255, 2019
A computer-aided automated methodology for the detection and classification of occlusal caries from photographic color images
ED Berdouses, GD Koutsouri, EE Tripoliti, GK Matsopoulos, CJ Oulis, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 62, 119-135, 2015
A comparative study of surface‐and volume‐based techniques for the automatic registration between CT and SPECT brain images
GC Kagadis, KK Delibasis, GK Matsopoulos, NA Mouravliansky, ...
Medical Physics 29 (2), 201-213, 2002
Application of morphological pyramids: fusion of MR and CT phantoms
GK Matsopoulos, S Marshall
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 6 (2), 196-207, 1995
Amifostine as radioprotective agent for the rectal mucosa during irradiation of pelvic tumors
J Kouvaris, V Kouloulias, E Malas, C Antypas, J Kokakis, S Michopoulos, ...
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 179 (3), 167, 2003
EEG fingerprints of task-independent mental workload discrimination
I Kakkos, GN Dimitrakopoulos, Y Sun, J Yuan, GK Matsopoulos, ...
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 25 (10), 3824-3833, 2021
Phase II multicenter randomized study of amifostine for prevention of acute radiation rectal toxicity: topical intrarectal versus subcutaneous application
VE Kouloulias, JR Kouvaris, G Pissakas, E Mallas, C Antypas, JD Kokakis, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 62 (2), 486-493, 2005
Fractal dimension estimation of carotid atherosclerotic plaques from B-mode ultrasound: a pilot study
P Asvestas, S Golemati, GK Matsopoulos, KS Nikita, AN Nicolaides
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 28 (9), 1129-1136, 2002
A power differentiation method of fractal dimension estimation for 2-D signals
P Asvestas, GK Matsopoulos, KS Nikita
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 9 (4), 392-400, 1998
Use of morphological image processing techniques for the measurement of a fetal head from ultrasound images
GK Matsopoulos, S Marshall
Pattern Recognition 27 (10), 1317-1324, 1994
Radiotherapy in conjunction with intravenous infusion of 180 mg of disodium pamidronate in management of osteolytic metastases from breast cancer: clinical evaluation …
V Kouloulias, G Matsopoulos, J Kouvaris, C Dardoufas, A Bottomley, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 57 (1), 143-157, 2003
A phase II randomized study of topical intrarectal administration of amifostine for the prevention of acute radiation-induced rectal toxicity
VE Kouloulias, JR Kouvaris, JD Kokakis, C Antypas, E Mallas, ...
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 180, 2004
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Articles 1–20