Ioannis Giotopoulos
Ioannis Giotopoulos
Associate Professor, University of Peloponnese, Department of Economics
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What drives ICT adoption by SMEs? Evidence from a large-scale survey in Greece
I Giotopoulos, A Kontolaimou, E Korra, A Tsakanikas
Journal of Business Research 81, 60-69, 2017
Drivers of high-quality entrepreneurship: what changes did the crisis bring about?
I Giotopoulos, A Kontolaimou, A Tsakanikas
Small Business Economics 48, 913-930, 2017
Gibrat’s law and persistence of growth in Greek manufacturing
G Fotopoulos, I Giotopoulos
Small Business Economics 35, 191-202, 2010
Industry-university knowledge flows and product innovation: How do knowledge stocks and crisis matter?
Y Caloghirou, I Giotopoulos, A Kontolaimou, E Korra, A Tsakanikas
Research Policy 50 (3), 104195, 2021
A typology of European countries based on innovation efficiency and technology gaps: The role of early-stage entrepreneurship
A Kontolaimou, I Giotopoulos, A Tsakanikas
Economic Modelling 52, 477-484, 2016
How do employee training and knowledge stocks affect product innovation?
Y Caloghirou, I Giotopoulos, E Korra, A Tsakanikas
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 27 (4), 343-360, 2018
Can Firms Grow Without Credit? A Quantile Panel Analysis in the Euro Area
S Dimelis, I Giotopoulos, H Louri
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 17 (2), 153-183, 2017
Digital responses of SMEs to the COVID-19 crisis
I Giotopoulos, A Kontolaimou, A Tsakanikas
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 28 (7), 1751-1772, 2022
Inside the black box of high-growth firms in a crisis-hit economy: Corporate strategy, employee human capital and R&D capabilities
Y Caloghirou, I Giotopoulos, A Kontolaimou, A Tsakanikas
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 18 (3), 1319-1345, 2022
Antecedents of growth-oriented entrepreneurship before and during the Greek economic crisis
I Giotopoulos, A Kontolaimou, A Tsakanikas
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 24 (3), 528-544, 2017
ICT adoption and digital growth in Greece
A Tsakanikas, S Danchev, I Giotopoulos, E Korra, G Pavlou
Athens: Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE), 2014
Intra-industry growth dynamics in the Greek services sector: firm-level estimates for ICT-producing, ICT-using, and non-ICT industries
I Giotopoulos, G Fotopoulos
Review of Industrial Organization 36, 59-74, 2010
Dynamics of firm profitability and growth: do knowledge-intensive (business) services persistently outperform?
I Giotopoulos
International Journal of the Economics of Business 21 (3), 291-319, 2014
Economic crisis and export‐oriented entrepreneurship: Evidence from Greece
I Giotopoulos, N Vettas
Managerial and Decision Economics 39 (8), 872-878, 2018
CSR practices and SME innovativeness in Greece
E Korra, I Giotopoulos, A Tsakanikas
Entrepreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals 8, 119-132, 2018
Does the innovativeness of creative firms help their business clients to innovate?
A Dimitropoulou, I Giotopoulos, A Protogerou, A Tsakanikas
The Journal of Technology Transfer 48 (1), 1-32, 2023
Η Επιχειρηματικότητα στην Ελλάδα 2012-13: Ενδείξεις ανάκαμψης της μικρής επιχειρηματικότητας
Σ Ιωαννίδης, Ι Γιωτόπουλος
Αθήνα, Ίδρυμα Οικονομικών & Βιομηχανικών Ερευνών, 2014
Banking concentration and firm growth: The role of size, location and financial crisis
S Dimelis, I Giotopoulos, H Louri
Bulletin of Economic Research 71 (3), 428-438, 2019
Ετήσια Έκθεση Επιχειρηματικότητας 2016-2017: Σε κάμψη η νέα επιχειρηματικότητα (GEM Greece 2016-17 Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor)
Ά Τσακανίκας, Ι Γιωτόπουλος, Σ Σταυράκη, Ε Βαλαβανιώτη
Athens: Foundation for Economic & Industrial Research, 2017
Strategic pathways to ICT adoption in SMEs: Evidence from Greece
I Giotopoulos, A Kontolaimou, E Korra, A Tsakanikas
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 46 (4), 466-482, 2022
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