Chris Wells
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Cited by
Curated flows: A framework for mapping media exposure in the digital age
K Thorson, C Wells
Communication theory 26 (3), 309-328, 2016
Young citizens and civic learning: Two paradigms of citizenship in the digital age
WL Bennett, C Wells, A Rank
Citizenship studies 13 (2), 105-120, 2009
Disinformation as political communication
D Freelon, C Wells
Political communication 37 (2), 145-156, 2020
Communicating civic engagement: Contrasting models of citizenship in the youth web sphere
WL Bennett, C Wells, D Freelon
Journal of communication 61 (5), 835-856, 2011
How Trump drove coverage to the nomination: Hybrid media campaigning
C Wells, DV Shah, JC Pevehouse, JH Yang, A Pelled, F Boehm, J Lukito, ...
Political communication 33 (4), 669-676, 2016
YouTube, Twitter and the Occupy movement: Connecting content and circulation practices
K Thorson, K Driscoll, B Ekdale, S Edgerly, LG Thompson, A Schrock, ...
Information, Communication & Society 16 (3), 421-451, 2013
Black trolls matter: Racial and ideological asymmetries in social media disinformation
D Freelon, M Bossetta, C Wells, J Lukito, Y Xia, K Adams
Social Science Computer Review 40 (3), 560-578, 2022
Changing citizen identity and the rise of a participatory media culture.
WL Bennett, D Freelon, C Wells
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010
Attention and amplification in the hybrid media system: The composition and activity of Donald Trump’s Twitter following during the 2016 presidential election
Y Zhang, C Wells, S Wang, K Rohe
New Media & Society 20 (9), 3161-3182, 2018
Trump, Twitter, and news media responsiveness: A media systems approach
C Wells, D Shah, J Lukito, A Pelled, JCW Pevehouse, JH Yang
New media & society 22 (4), 659-682, 2020
How gatekeeping still matters: Understanding media effects in an era of curated flows
K Thorson, C Wells
Gatekeeping in transition, 25-44, 2015
Combining big data and survey techniques to model effects of political content flows in Facebook
C Wells, K Thorson
Social Science Computer Review 35 (1), 33-52, 2017
The civic organization and the digital citizen: Communicating engagement in a networked age
C Wells
Oxford University Press, 2015
Performing populism: Trump’s transgressive debate style and the dynamics of Twitter response
EP Bucy, JM Foley, J Lukito, L Doroshenko, DV Shah, JCW Pevehouse, ...
New media & society 22 (4), 634-658, 2020
When we stop talking politics: The maintenance and closing of conversation in contentious times
C Wells, KJ Cramer, MW Wagner, G Alvarez, LA Friedland, DV Shah, ...
Journal of Communication 67 (1), 131-157, 2017
The wolves in sheep’s clothing: How Russia’s Internet Research Agency tweets appeared in US news as vox populi
J Lukito, J Suk, Y Zhang, L Doroshenko, SJ Kim, MH Su, Y Xia, D Freelon, ...
The International Journal of Press/Politics 25 (2), 196-216, 2020
The power of television images in a social media age: Linking biobehavioral and computational approaches via the second screen
DV Shah, A Hanna, EP Bucy, C Wells, V Quevedo
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 659 (1 …, 2015
Information distortion and voting choices: The origins and effects of factual beliefs in initiative elections
C Wells, J Reedy, J Gastil, C Lee
Political Psychology 30 (6), 953-969, 2009
Partisan alignments and political polarization online: A computational approach to understanding the French and US presidential elections
A Hanna, C Wells, P Maurer, L Friedland, D Shah, J Matthes
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Politics, Elections and Data, 15-22, 2013
Disinformation, performed: Self-presentation of a Russian IRA account on Twitter
Y Xia, J Lukito, Y Zhang, C Wells, SJ Kim, C Tong
Disinformation and Data Lockdown on Social Platforms, 116-134, 2021
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Articles 1–20