Pradeep Rohatgi
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Cited by
Mechanical and tribological properties of self-lubricating metal matrix nanocomposites reinforced by carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene–a review
AD Moghadam, E Omrani, PL Menezes, PK Rohatgi
Composites Part B: Engineering 77, 402-420, 2015
Solidification, structures, and properties of cast metal-ceramic particle composites
PK Rohatgi, R Asthana, S Das
International metals reviews 31 (1), 115-139, 1986
Cast aluminum-matrix composites for automotive applications
P Rohatgi
Jom 43, 10-15, 1991
State of the art on tribological behavior of polymer matrix composites reinforced with natural fibers in the green materials world
E Omrani, PL Menezes, PK Rohatgi
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 19 (2), 717-736, 2016
Alkali treatment of coir fibres for coir-polyester composites
SV Prasad, C Pavithran, PK Rohatgi
Journal of materials science 18, 1443-1454, 1983
Preparation and properties of cast aluminium-ceramic particle composites
MK Surappa, PK Rohatgi
Journal of materials science 16, 983-993, 1981
Tribological properties of metal matrix-graphite particle composites
PK Rohatgi, S Ray, Y Liu
International materials reviews 37 (1), 129-152, 1992
Fabrication and characterisation of Al–7Si–0.35 Mg/fly ash metal matrix composites processed by different stir casting routes
TPD Rajan, RM Pillai, BC Pai, KG Satyanarayana, PK Rohatgi
Composites Science and Technology 67 (15-16), 3369-3377, 2007
Compressive characteristics of A356/fly ash cenosphere composites synthesized by pressure infiltration technique
PK Rohatgi, JK Kim, N Gupta, S Alaraj, A Daoud
Composites Part A: applied science and manufacturing 37 (3), 430-437, 2006
Wear and abrasion of cast Al-alumina particle composites
MK Surappa, SV Prasad, PK Rohatgi
Wear 77 (3), 295-302, 1982
Crystallinity and selected properties of fly ash particles
T Matsunaga, JK Kim, S Hardcastle, PK Rohatgi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 325 (1-2), 333-343, 2002
Metal matrix composites offer automotive industry opportunity to reduce vehicle weight, improve performance
A Macke, BF Schultz, P Rohatgi
ASM International 170 (3), 19-23, 2012
Structure property studies of fibres from various parts of the coconut tree
KG Satyanarayana, CKS Pillai, K Sukumaran, SGK Pillai, PK Rohatgi, ...
Journal of materials science 17, 2453-2462, 1982
Metal matrix composites
PK Rohatgi
Defence science journal 43 (4), 323, 1993
Tribological performance of self-lubricating aluminum matrix nanocomposites: role of graphene nanoplatelets
M Tabandeh-Khorshid, E Omrani, PL Menezes, PK Rohatgi
Engineering science and technology, an international journal 19 (1), 463-469, 2016
Mechanical properties of banana fibres (Musa sepientum)
AG Kulkarni, KG Satyanarayana, PK Rohatgi, K Vijayan
Journal of materials science 18, 2290-2296, 1983
Fabrication and properties of natural fibre-reinforced polyester composites
KG Satyanarayana, K Sukumaran, AG Kulkarni, SGK Pillai, PK Rohatgi
Composites 17 (4), 329-333, 1986
Prediction models for the yield strength of particle-reinforced unimodal pure magnesium (Mg) metal matrix nanocomposites (MMNCs)
CS Kim, I Sohn, M Nezafati, JB Ferguson, BF Schultz, Z Bajestani-Gohari, ...
Journal of Materials Science 48, 4191-4204, 2013
Functional metal matrix composites: self-lubricating, self-healing, and nanocomposites-an outlook
A Dorri Moghadam, BF Schultz, JB Ferguson, E Omrani, PK Rohatgi, ...
Jom 66, 872-881, 2014
Pressure infiltration technique for synthesis of aluminum–fly ash particulate composite
PK Rohatgi, RQ Guo, H Iksan, EJ Borchelt, R Asthana
Materials Science and Engineering: A 244 (1), 22-30, 1998
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Articles 1–20