Theodoula N. Grapsa
Theodoula N. Grapsa
Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Patras, Greece
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Cited by
Self-scaled conjugate gradient training algorithms
AE Kostopoulos, TN Grapsa
Neurocomputing 72 (13-15), 3000-3019, 2009
A spectral version of Perry’s conjugate gradient method for neural network training
DG Sotiropoulos, AE Kostopoulos, TN Grapsa
Proceedings of 4th GRACM Congress on Computational Mechanics 1, 291-298, 2002
On the localization and computation of zeros of Bessel functions
MN Vrahatis, TN Grapsa, O Ragos, FA Zafiropoulos
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 1997
A dimension-reducing method for solving systems of nonlinear equations in
TN Grapsa, MN Vrahatis
International journal of computer mathematics 32 (3-4), 205-216, 1990
A dimension-reducing method for unconstrained optimization
TN Grapsa, MN Vrahatis
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 66 (1), 239-253, 1996
Locating and computing zeros of Airy functions
MN Vrahatis, O Ragos, FA Zafiropoulos, TN Grapsa
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 1996
RFSFNS: A portable package for the numerical determination of the number and the calculation of roots of Bessel functions
MN Vrahatis, O Ragos, T Skiniotis, FA Zafiropoulos, TN Grapsa
Computer physics communications 92 (2-3), 252-266, 1995
Early dropout prediction in distance higher education using active learning
G Kostopoulos, S Kotsiantis, O Ragos, TN Grapsa
2017 8th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems …, 2017
The implicit function theorem for solving systems of nonlinear equations in
TN Grapsa, MN Vrahatis
International journal of computer mathematics 28 (1-4), 171-181, 1989
Optimal centers in branch-and-prune algorithms for univariate global optimization
DG Sotiropoulos, TN Grapsa
Applied mathematics and computation 169 (1), 247-277, 2005
Neural network supervised training based on a dimension reducing method
GD Magoulas, MN Vrahatis, TN Grapsa, GS Androulakis
Mathematics of neural networks: Models, algorithms and applications, 245-249, 1997
A modified Newton direction for unconstrained optimization
TN Grapsa
Optimization 63 (7), 983-1004, 2014
A modified Newton direction for unconstrained optimization
TN Grapsa
23rd European Conference on Operational Research, 2009
A training method for discrete multilayer neural networks
GD Magoulas, MN Vrahatis, TN Grapsa, GS Androulakis
Mathematics of neural networks: Models, algorithms and applications, 250-254, 1997
Bounding the zeros of an interval equation
IA Nikas, TN Grapsa
Applied mathematics and computation 213 (2), 466-478, 2009
The topological degree theory for the localization and computation of complex zeros of Bessel functions
MN Vrahatis, O Ragos, T Skiniotis, FA Zafiropoulos, TN Grapsa
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 18 (1-2), 227-234, 1997
A new dimension—reducing method for solving systems of nonlinear equations
TN Grapsa, MN Vrahatis
International journal of computer mathematics 55 (3-4), 235-244, 1995
Solving systems of nonlinear equations In using a rotating hyperplane in
TN Grapsa, MN Vrahatis, TC Bountis
International journal of computer mathematics 35 (1-4), 133-151, 1990
Improved Newton's method without direct function evaluations
EN Malihoutsaki, IA Nikas, TN Grapsa
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 227 (1), 206-212, 2009
Improving the Efficiency of a Polynomial System Solver via a Reordering Technique
DG Sotiropoulos, JA Nikas, TN Grapsa
4th GRACM Congress on Computational Mechanics (GRACM2002), Vol. III, pp. 970-976, 2002
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Articles 1–20