Di Wang
Di Wang
Senior Research Fellow, LILY Research Centre, Nanyang Technological University
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EEG-based emotion recognition using regularized graph neural networks
P Zhong, D Wang, C Miao
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 13 (3), 1290-1301, 2020
Knowledge-enriched transformer for emotion detection in textual conversations
P Zhong, D Wang, C Miao
Proceedings of Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2019
BDANN: BERT-based domain adaptation neural network for multi-modal fake news detection
T Zhang, D Wang, H Chen, Z Zeng, W Guo, C Miao, L Cui
2020 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2020
An affect-rich neural conversational model with biased attention and weighted cross-entropy loss
P Zhong, D Wang, C Miao
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 7492-7500, 2019
REDPC: A residual error-based density peak clustering algorithm
M Parmar, D Wang, X Zhang, AH Tan, C Miao, J Jiang, Y Zhou
Neurocomputing 348, 82-96, 2019
Creating human-like autonomous players in real-time first person shooter computer games
DI Wang, B Subagdja, AH Tan, GW Ng
Twenty-First IAAI Conference, 2009
McDPC: Multi-center density peak clustering
Y Wang, D Wang, X Zhang, W Pang, C Miao, AH Tan, Y Zhou
Neural Computing and Applications 32, 13465-13478, 2020
Creating autonomous adaptive agents in a real-time first-person shooter computer game
D Wang, AH Tan
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 7 (2), 123-138, 2014
A novel hybrid deep recommendation system to differentiate user’s preference and item’s attractiveness
X Zhang, H Liu, X Chen, J Zhong, D Wang
Information Sciences 519, 306-316, 2020
EEG-based emotion recognition using spatial-temporal representation via Bi-GRU
WCL Lew, D Wang, K Shylouskaya, Z Zhang, JH Lim, KK Ang, AH Tan
2020 42nd annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2020
VDPC: Variational density peak clustering algorithm
Y Wang, D Wang, Y Zhou, X Zhang, C Quek
Information Sciences 621, 627-651, 2023
Care: Commonsense-aware emotional response generation with latent concepts
P Zhong, D Wang, P Li, C Zhang, H Wang, C Miao
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (16), 14577 …, 2021
Self-organizing neural networks for universal learning and multimodal memory encoding
AH Tan, B Subagdja, D Wang, L Meng
Neural Networks 120, 58-73, 2019
Multi-agent collaborative exploration through graph-based deep reinforcement learning
T Luo, B Subagdja, D Wang, AH Tan
2019 IEEE International Conference on Agents (ICA), 2-7, 2019
Novel self-organizing Takagi Sugeno Kang fuzzy neural networks based on ART-like clustering
D Wang, C Quek, GS Ng
Neural Processing Letters 20, 39-51, 2004
Incorporating surprisingly popular algorithm and euclidean distance-based adaptive topology into PSO
X Wu, J Han, D Wang, P Gao, Q Cui, L Chen, Y Liang, H Huang, HP Lee, ...
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 76, 101222, 2023
Deep learning analysis and age prediction from shoeprints
M Hassan, Y Wang, D Wang, D Li, Y Liang, Y Zhou, D Xu
Forensic Science International 327, 110987, 2021
Towards intelligent caring agents for aging-in-place: Issues and challenges
D Wang, B Subagdja, Y Kang, AH Tan, D Zhang
2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like …, 2014
A systematic density-based clustering method using anchor points
Y Wang, D Wang, W Pang, C Miao, AH Tan, Y Zhou
Neurocomputing 400, 352-370, 2020
Ovarian cancer diagnosis using a hybrid intelligent system with simple yet convincing rules
D Wang, C Quek, GS Ng
Applied Soft Computing 20, 25-39, 2014
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