Eva Onaindia
Eva Onaindia
Profesora de Informática (UPV)
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On the design of individual and group recommender systems for tourism
I Garcia, L Sebastia, E Onaindia
Expert systems with applications 38 (6), 7683-7692, 2011
e-Tourism: a tourist recommendation and planning application
L Sebastia, I Garcia, E Onaindia, C Guzman
Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2008. ICTAI'08. 20th IEEE International …, 2008
Cooperative multi-agent planning: A survey
A Torreno, E Onaindia, A Komenda, M Štolba
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 50 (6), 1-32, 2017
SAMAP: An user-oriented adaptive system for planning tourist visits
L Castillo, E Armengol, E Onaindía, L Sebastiá, J González-Boticario, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 34 (2), 1318-1332, 2008
FMAP: Distributed cooperative multi-agent planning
A Torreno, E Onaindia, O Sapena
Applied Intelligence 41, 606-626, 2014
Preference elicitation techniques for group recommender systems
I Garcia, S Pajares, L Sebastia, E Onaindia
Information Sciences 189, 155-175, 2012
A group recommender system for tourist activities
I Garcia, L Sebastia, E Onaindia, C Guzman
E-Commerce and Web Technologies, 26-37, 2009
Learning action models with minimal observability
D Aineto, SJ Celorrio, E Onaindia
Artificial Intelligence 275, 104-137, 2019
An approach to multi-agent planning with incomplete information
A Torreno, E Onaindia, O Sapena
ECAI 2012, 762-767, 2012
Learning STRIPS action models with classical planning
D Aineto, S Jiménez, E Onaindia
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2018
Assembling learning objects for personalized learning: An AI planning perspective
A Garrido, E Onaindia
IEEE Intelligent Systems 28 (2), 64-73, 2011
Context-aware multi-agent planning in intelligent environments
SP Ferrando, E Onaindia
Information Sciences 227, 22-42, 2013
Planning and scheduling in an e-learning environment. A constraint-programming-based approach
A Garrido, E Onaindia, O Sapena
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 21 (5), 733-743, 2008
PELEA: a Domain-Independent Architecture for Planning, Execution and Learning
C Guzmán, V Alcázar, D Prior, E Onaindia, D Borrajo, J Fdez-Olivares, ...
SPARK 2012, 38, 2012
Emotion dynamics of public opinions on twitter
D Naskar, SR Singh, D Kumar, S Nandi, EO Rivaherrera
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 38 (2), 1-24, 2020
Automatic generation of temporal planning domains for e-learning problems
L Castillo, L Morales, A González-Ferrer, J Fdez-Olivares, D Borrajo, ...
Journal of Scheduling 13 (4), 347-362, 2010
Decomposition of planning problems
L Sebastia, E Onaindia, E Marzal
Ai Communications 19 (1), 49-81, 2006
A multi-agent planning approach for the generation of personalized treatment plans of comorbid patients
I Sánchez-Garzón, J Fdez-Olivares, E Onaindía, G Milla, J Jordán, ...
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 14th Conference on Artificial …, 2013
PELEA: Planning, learning and execution architecture
V Alcázar, C Guzmán, D Prior, D Borrajo, L Castillo, E Onaindia
PlanSIG˘10, 17-24, 2010
A temporal blackboard for a multi-agent environment
V Botti, F Barber, A Crespo, E Onaindia, A Garcia-Fornes, I Ripoll, ...
Data & knowledge engineering 15 (3), 189-211, 1995
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Articles 1–20