Michal Wozniak
Michal Wozniak
Other namesMichał Woźniak
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Politechnika Wrocławska)
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Cited by
A survey of multiple classifier systems as hybrid systems
M Woźniak, M Grana, E Corchado
Information Fusion 16, 3-17, 2014
Ensemble learning for data stream analysis: A survey
B Krawczyk, LL Minku, J Gama, J Stefanowski, M Woźniak
Information Fusion 37, 132-156, 2017
A survey on data preprocessing for data stream mining: Current status and future directions
S Ramírez-Gallego, B Krawczyk, S García, M Woźniak, F Herrera
Neurocomputing 239, 39-57, 2017
Cost-sensitive decision tree ensembles for effective imbalanced classification
B Krawczyk, M Woźniak, G Schaefer
Applied Soft Computing 14, 554-562, 2014
Analyzing the oversampling of different classes and types of examples in multi-class imbalanced datasets
JA Sáez, B Krawczyk, M Woźniak
Pattern Recognition 57, 164-178, 2016
Clustering-based ensembles for one-class classification
B Krawczyk, M Woźniak, B Cyganek
Information sciences 264, 182-195, 2014
Radial-based oversampling for noisy imbalanced data classification
M Koziarski, B Krawczyk, M Woźniak
Neurocomputing 343, 19-33, 2019
Advanced Machine Learning techniques for fake news (online disinformation) detection: A systematic mapping study
M Choraś, K Demestichas, A Giełczyk, Á Herrero, P Ksieniewicz, ...
Applied Soft Computing, 2021
Combined Cleaning and Resampling Algorithm for Multi-Class Imbalanced Data with Label Noise
M Koziarski, M Woźniak, B Krawczyk
Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.03406), 106223, 2020
Radial-based oversampling for multiclass imbalanced data classification
B Krawczyk, M Koziarski, M Woźniak
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (8), 2818-2831, 2019
One-class classifiers with incremental learning and forgetting for data streams with concept drift
B Krawczyk, M Woźniak
Soft Computing 19 (12), 3387-3400, 2015
CCR: A combined cleaning and resampling algorithm for imbalanced data classification
M Koziarski, M Wożniak
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 27 (4 …, 2017
Dynamic ensemble selection for multi-class classification with one-class classifiers
B Krawczyk, M Galar, M Woźniak, H Bustince, F Herrera
Pattern Recognition 83, 34-51, 2018
Monotonic classification: An overview on algorithms, performance measures and data sets
JR Cano, PA Gutiérrez, B Krawczyk, M Woźniak, S García
Neurocomputing 341, 168-182, 2019
Preprocessed dynamic classifier ensemble selection for highly imbalanced drifted data streams
P Zyblewski, R Sabourin, M Wozniak
Information Fusion 66 (, 138-154, 2021
How to design the fair experimental classifier evaluation
K Stapor, P Ksieniewicz, S García, M Woźniak
Applied Soft Computing 104, 107219, 2021
Fault diagnosis of marine 4-stroke diesel engines using a one-vs-one extreme learning ensemble
J Kowalski, B Krawczyk, M Woźniak
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 57, 134-141, 2017
On the usefulness of one-class classifier ensembles for decomposition of multi-class problems
B Krawczyk, M Woźniak, F Herrera
Pattern Recognition 48 (12), 3969-3982, 2015
Sentiment analysis for fake news detection by means of neural networks
S Kula, M Choraś, R Kozik, P Ksieniewicz, M Woźniak
20th International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2020 12140 …, 2020
Nearest neighbor classification for high-speed big data streams using spark
S Ramírez-Gallego, B Krawczyk, S García, M Woźniak, JM Benítez, ...
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 47 (10), 2727-2739, 2017
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Articles 1–20