Cristina Vicente-Chicote
Cristina Vicente-Chicote
Quercus Software Engineering Group, Universidad de Extremadura (UEx), Spain
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Cited by
V3CMM: A 3-view component meta-model for model-driven robotic software development
D Alonso, C Vicente-Chicote, F Ortiz, J Pastor, B Álvarez
Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics 1 (1), 3-17, 2010
Wireless sensor network application development: An architecture-centric mde approach
F Losilla, C Vicente-Chicote, B Álvarez, A Iborra, P Sánchez
Software Architecture: First European Conference, ECSA 2007 Aranjuez, Spain …, 2007
Desarrollo de software dirigido por modelos: conceptos, métodos y herramientas (ISBN: 978-84-9964-215-4)
J García Molina, FO García Rubio, V Pelechano, A Vallecillo, JM Vara, ...
RA-MA Editorial, 2014
REMM-Studio: an Integrated Model-Driven Environment for Requirements Specification, Validation and Formatting.
C Vicente-Chicote, B Moros, JAT Álvarez
Journal of Object Technology 6 (9), 437-454, 2007
Model-driven software systems engineering in robotics: covering the complete life-cycle of a robot
C Schlegel, A Lotz, M Lutz, D Stampfer, JF Inglés-Romero, ...
it - Information Technology. Methods and Applications of Informatics and …, 2015
Early analysis of resource consumption patterns in mobile applications
J Berrocal, J Garcia-Alonso, C Vicente-Chicote, J Hernández, T Mikkonen, ...
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 35, 32-50, 2017
Applying MDE to the development of flexible and reusable wireless sensor networks
C Vicente-Chicote, F Losilla, B Álvarez, A Iborra, P Sanchez
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 16 (03n04), 393-412, 2007
A Model-Driven Approach to Graphical User Interface Runtime Adaptation. Models@ Run
J Criado, C Vicente-Chicote, L Iribarne, N Padilla
Time, CEUR-WS 641, 2010
Dealing with Run-Time Variability in Service Robotics: Towards a DSL for Non-Functional Properties
JF Inglés-Romero, A Lotz, C Vicente-Chicote, C Schlegel
3rd International Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages and models for …, 2012
A Model-Driven Approach to Enable Adaptive QoS in DDS-Based Middleware
J Ingles-Romero, A Romero-Garces, C Vicente-Chicote, J Martinez
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 1 (3 …, 2017
Towards a Stepwise Variability Management Process for Complex Systems: A Robotics Perspective
A Lotz, JF Inglés-Romero, D Stampfer, M Lutz, C Vicente-Chicote, ...
International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD) 5 …, 2014
Managing run-time variability in robotics software by modeling functional and non-functional behavior
A Lotz, JF Inglés-Romero, C Vicente-Chicote, C Schlegel
Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling: 14th …, 2013
Generación Automática de Software para Sistemas de Tiempo Real: Un Enfoque basado en Componentes, Modelos y Frameworks
D Alonso, JÁ Pastor, P Sánchez, B Álvarez, C Vicente-Chicote
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI 9 (2 …, 2012
Metamodeling variability to enable requirements reuse
B Moros, A Toval, C Vicente Chicote
Terry Halpin, John Krogstie, Erik Proper, 2008
A Component-Based and Model-Driven Approach to Deal with Non-Functional Properties through Global QoS Metrics
C Vicente-Chicote, JF Inglés-Romero, J Martínez, D Stampfer, A Lotz, ...
ModComp'18 - 5th International Workshop on Interplay of Model-Driven and …, 2018
Manual de elaboración de guías docentes adaptadas al EEES
A García Martín, AJ Briones Peñalver, S Busquier Sáez, ...
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, 2010
Xilinx System Generator Based HW Components for Rapid Prototyping of Computer Vision SW/HW Systems
A Toledo, C Vicente-Chicote, J Suardiaz, S Cuenca
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3522, 667-674, 2005
Runtime adaptation of architectural models: an approach for adapting user interfaces
D Rodríguez-Gracia, J Criado, L Iribarne, N Padilla, C Vicente-Chicote
Model and Data Engineering, 16-30, 2012
Modeling and Estimation of Non-functional Properties: Leveraging the Power of QoS Metrics
C Vicente-Chicote, D García-Pérez, P García-Ojeda, JF Inglés-Romero, ...
IWINAC 2019: From Bioinspired Systems and Biomedical Applications to Machine …, 2019
Towards the automatic generation of self-adaptive robotics software: An experience report
JF Inglés-Romero, C Vicente-Chicote, B Morin, O Barais
2011 20th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies …, 2011
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Articles 1–20