Efstathios (Stathis) Tselepis
Efstathios (Stathis) Tselepis
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Cited by
Structure and magnetic properties of nonsuperconducting doped Co and Fe phases
JM Tarascon, PF Miceli, P Barboux, DM Hwang, GW Hull, M Giroud, ...
Physical Review B 39 (16), 11587, 1989
Operating conditions of batteries in off-grid renewable energy systems
V Svoboda, H Wenzl, R Kaiser, A Jossen, I Baring-Gould, J Manwell, ...
Solar Energy 81 (11), 1409-1425, 2007
Stability and power quality issues in microgrids under weather disturbances
E Rikos, S Tselepis, C Hoyer-Klick, M Schroedter-Homscheidt
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2008
Evolution of PV systems in Greece and review of applicable solutions for higher penetration levels
A Kyritsis, D Voglitsis, N Papanikolaou, S Tselepis, C Christodoulou, ...
Renewable Energy 109, 487-499, 2017
New non-superconducting modulation-free BiPbSr2MOy phases (M= Co, Mn, Fe) isotypic with the 10 K Bi2Sr2CuOy superconductor
JM Tarascon, Y LePage, WR McKinnon, R Ramesh, M Eibschutz, ...
Physica C: Superconductivity 167 (1-2), 20-34, 1990
Economic analysis of hybrid photovoltaic/thermal solar systems and comparison with standard PV modules
S Tselepis, Y Tripanagnostopoulos
Proceedings of the international conference PV in Europe 7 (11), 2002
An analysis of the Greek photovoltaic market
T Tsoutsos, I Mavrogiannis, N Karapanagiotis, S Tselepis, D Agoris
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 8 (1), 49-72, 2004
Studying the effect of the impulse voltage application on sc-Si PV modules
I Naxakis, E Pyrgioti, V Perraki, E Tselepis
Solar Energy 144, 721-728, 2017
Preparation and photovoltaic properties of anodically grown Ag2O films
E Tselepis, E Fortin
Journal of Materials Science 21, 985-988, 1986
Structure and magnetism of (Sr,Ca antiferromagnets with ferrimagnetic layers
WR McKinnon, E Tselepis, Y Le Page, SP McAlister, G Pleizier, ...
Physical Review B 41 (7), 4489, 1990
Households with fibre reinforced composite BIPV modules in southern Europe under net metering scheme
A Kyritsis, E Roman, SA Kalogirou, J Nikoletatos, R Agathokleous, ...
Renewable energy 137, 167-176, 2019
Design aspects of hybrid PVT/Water solar systems
Y Tripanagnostopoulos, S Tselepis, M Souliotis, JK Tonui
19th European solar energy conference and exhibition, Paris, France, 2004
High Penetration PV in Local Distribution Grids Outcomes of the IEA PVPS Task 14 Subtask 2
T Stetz, M Kraiczy, K Diwold, M Braun, B Bletterie, C Mayr, R Bründlinger, ...
29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition 15 (1 …, 2014
Research issues on stand-alone pv/hybrid systems: state-of-art and future technology perspectives for the integration of μgrid topologies on local island grids
C Protogeropoulos, S Tselepis, A Neris
2006 IEEE 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conference 2, 2277-2282, 2006
Energy improvement of office buildings in Southern Europe
A Kyritsis, E Mathas, D Antonucci, Μ Grottke, S Tselepis
Energy and Buildings 123, 17-33, 2016
Exciton-mediated photovoltaic effect in O/Cu
E Tselepis, E Fortin, A Mysyrowicz
Physical review letters 59 (18), 2107, 1987
Distributed generation with high penetration of renewable energy sources
C Bossi, T Degner, S Tselepis
Dispower, Final Public Report, Laboratory Tests Case Studies and Field …, 2006
European white book on grid-connected storage
E Lemaire, N Martin, P Nørgård, E de Jong, R de Graaf, J Groenewegen, ...
Department INES Recherche, Développement & Innovation, Institution CEA INES …, 2011
Weak ferromagnetism and canting in and
WR McKinnon, E Tselepis, JM Tarascon, PF Miceli, K Remschnig, ...
Physical Review B 43 (7), 5468, 1991
On the origin of the structural modulation in the Bi cuprates as derived from 3d-metal substituted phases
JM Tarascon, Y LePage, WR McKinnon, E Tselepis, P Barboux, ...
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 156, 317, 1989
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Articles 1–20