Diogo Pacheco
Diogo Pacheco
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Uncovering coordinated networks on social media: Methods and case studies
D Pacheco, PM Hui, C Torres-Lugo, BT Truong, A Flammini, F Menczer
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 15 …, 2021
Neutral bots probe political bias on social media
W Chen, D Pacheco, KC Yang, F Menczer
Nature communications 12 (1), 5580, 2021
Unveiling Coordinated Groups Behind White Helmets Disinformation
D Pacheco, A Flammini, F Menczer
Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2020, 611-616, 2020
Intelligent support decision in sugarcane harvest
FR da Silva Oliveira, DF Pacheco, A Leonel, FB de Lima Neto
Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources, 23-25 July 2006, Orlando …, 2006
Massive multi-agent data-driven simulations of the github ecosystem
J Blythe, J Bollenbacher, D Huang, PM Hui, R Krohn, D Pacheco, G Muric, ...
Advances in Practical Applications of Survivable Agents and Multi-Agent …, 2019
Characterizing Organ Donation Awareness from Social Media
DF Pacheco, D Pinheiro, M Cadeiras, R Menezes
2017 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 1541-1548, 2017
On the challenges of predicting microscopic dynamics of online conversations
J Bollenbacher, D Pacheco, PM Hui, YY Ahn, A Flammini, F Menczer
Applied Network Science 6, 1-21, 2021
Characterization of Football Supporters from Twitter Conversations
DF Pacheco, D Pinheiro, FB de Lima-Neto, E Ribeiro, R Menezes
2016 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI' 16), 169-176, 2016
Identification and characterization of misinformation superspreaders on social media
MR DeVerna, R Aiyappa, D Pacheco, J Bryden, F Menczer
Arxiv preprint arXiv:2207.09524, 2022
The DARPA SocialSim Challenge: Massive Multi-Agent Simulations of the Github Ecosystem
J Blythe, E Ferrara, D Huang, K Lerman, G Muric, A Sapienza, A Tregubov, ...
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2019
Identifying and characterizing superspreaders of low-credibility content on Twitter
MR DeVerna, R Aiyappa, D Pacheco, J Bryden, F Menczer
Plos one 19 (5), e0302201, 2024
Using Social Media to Assess Neighborhood Social Disorganization: A Case Study in the United Kingdom
DF Pacheco, M Oliveira, R Menezes
Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference 30, 341-346, 2017
Including multi-objective abilities in the hybrid intelligent suite for decision support
DF Pacheco, FRS Oliveira, FBL Neto
2008 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IEEE World …, 2008
An Intelligent Decision Support System for Agriculture Harvest
DF Pacheco
Technical Report presented as Graduation Monograph, Department of Computing …, 2006
How to Obtain Fair Managerial Decisions in Sugar Cane Harvest Using NSGA-2
DF Pacheco, TDP Lucas, FB de Lima Neto
Utilização de Redes Neurais Artificiais em colheitas de cana-de-açúcar para predição de PCC, TCH e fibra
DF Pacheco, FS Regueira, FBL NETO
Revista Alcoolbrás, São Paulo, 2005
Getting the Boot? Predicting the Dismissal of Managers in Football
M Attié, D Pacheco, M Oliveira
International Workshop on Complex Networks, 132-140, 2023
Football Conversations: What Twitter Reveals about the 2014 World Cup
DF Pacheco, FB de Lima-Neto, LG Moyano, R Menezes
Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (CSBC 2015 - BraSNAM), 2015
Hybrid Intelligent Suite for Decision Support
FBL Neto, FRS Oliveira, DF Pacheco
Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2007
Using Artificial Neural Networks on Sugarcane Harvest to Predict Sucrose, Fiber and Productivity
D Pacheco, F Regueira, FB de Lima Neto
ALCOOLbrás, 0
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