Michael G. Sideris
Michael G. Sideris
Professor of Geodesy, University of Calgary
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The use of FFT techniques in physical geodesy
KP Schwarz, MG Sideris, R Forsberg
Geophysical Journal International 100 (3), 485-514, 1990
Geoid determination: theory and methods
F Sansò, MG Sideris
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
On the adjustment of combined GPS/levelling/geoid networks
C Kotsakis, MG Sideris
Journal of geodesy 73, 412-421, 1999
Geoid computations by the multi-band spherical FFT approach
R Forsberg, MG Sideris
Manuscripta geodaetica 18 (2), 82-90, 1993
The AUSGeoid98 geoid model of Australia: data treatment, computations and comparisons with GPS-levelling data
WE Featherstone, JF Kirby, AHW Kearsley, JR Gilliland, GM Johnston, ...
Journal of Geodesy 75, 313-330, 2001
Definition and proposed realization of the International Height Reference System (IHRS)
J Ihde, L Sánchez, R Barzaghi, H Drewes, C Foerste, T Gruber, G Liebsch, ...
Surveys in geophysics 38, 549-570, 2017
Geoid determination by FFT techniques
MG Sideris
Geoid Determination: Theory and Methods, 453-516, 2012
Vertical datum unification for the international height reference system (IHRS)
L Sánchez, MG Sideris
Geophysical Journal International 209 (2), 570-586, 2017
A new, high-resolution geoid for Canada and part of the US by the 1D-FFT method
MG Sideris, BB She
Bulletin géodésique 69, 92-108, 1995
A fast Fourier transform method for computing terrain corrections
MG Sideris
Manuscripta geodaetica 10 (1), 66-73, 1985
Gravity field convolutions without windowing and edge effects
MG Sideris, YC Li
Bulletin Geodesique 67, 107-118, 1993
Geodetic observations and global reference frame contributions to understanding sea-level rise and variability
G Blewitt, Z Altamimi, J Davis, R Gross, CY Kuo, FG Lemoine, AW Moore, ...
Understanding sea-level rise and variability, 256-284, 2010
Orthometric heights without leveling
KP Schwarz, MG Sideris, R Forsberg
Journal of Surveying Engineering 113 (1), 28-40, 1987
Rigorous gravimetric terrain modelling using Molodensky’s operator
MG Sideris
Manuscripta geodaetica 15 (2), 97-106, 1990
Analysis of Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment time‐variable mass redistribution signals over North America by means of principal component analysis
E Rangelova, W Van der Wal, A Braun, MG Sideris, P Wu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 112 (F3), 2007
On the use of heterogeneous noisy data in spectral gravity field modeling methods
MG Sideris
Journal of Geodesy 70, 470-479, 1996
How accurately can we determine orthometric height differences from GPS and geoid data?
G Fotopoulos, C Kotsakis, MG Sideris
Journal of surveying engineering 129 (1), 1-10, 2003
Improved gravimetric terrain corrections
YC Li, MG Sideris
Geophysical Journal International 119 (3), 740-752, 1994
On geoid determination from airborne gravity
P Novák, M Kern, KP Schwarz, MG Sideris, B Heck, S Ferguson, ...
Journal of Geodesy 76, 510-522, 2003
Use of GRACE determined secular gravity rates for glacial isostatic adjustment studies in North-America
W van der Wal, P Wu, MG Sideris, CK Shum
Journal of Geodynamics 46 (3-5), 144-154, 2008
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Articles 1–20