Charalampos Lemonidis
Charalampos Lemonidis
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The Effect of Using Storytelling Strategy on Students’ Performance in Fractions
I Lemonidis, Ch. & Kaiafa
Journal of Education and Learning. 8 (2), 165-175, 2019
Mental Computation and Estimation: Implications for mathematics education research, teaching and learning
C Lemonidis
Routledge, 2015
Analyse et réalisation d'une expérience d'enseignement de l'homothétie
C Lemonidis
Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques 11 (2.3), 295-324, 1991
Conception, réalisation et résultats d'une expérience d'enseignement de l'homothétie
C Lemonidis
I.R.E.M. de Strasbourg, 1990
In-Service Teachers’ Content and Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Mental Calculations with Rational Numbers.
Lemonidis, Tsakiridou, Meliopoulou.
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 16 (6), 1127-1145, 2018
A few remarks regarding the teaching of geometry, through a theoretical analysis of the geometrical figure
C Lemonidis
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 30 (4), 2087-2095, 1997
FRACTANGI: A tangible learning environment for learning about fractions with an interactive number line
M Mpiladeri, G Palaigeorgiou, C Lemonidis
13th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in …, 2016
Prospective elementary teachers’ knowledge in computational estimation
C Lemonidis, A Kaimakami
MENON: Journal Of Educational Research 2 (b), 86 – 98, 2013
Fifth and sixth grade students' number sense in rational numbers and its relation with problem solving ability
C Lemonidis, Ι Kaiafa
MENON: Journal Of Educational Research 1 (Thematic Issue,), 61-74., 2014
Exploring logical reasoning and mathematical proof in grade 6 elementary school students
K Flegas, L Charalampos
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 13 (1), 70-89, 2013
Spatial abilities in relation to performance in geometry tasks
P G., G A., L C.
WORKING GROUP 7. Geometrical Thinking 954, 1062, 2007
Computational Estimation in an Adult Secondary School: a Teaching Experiment.
C Anestakis, P., Lemonidis
MENON: Journal Of Educational Research. 1 (Thematic Issue), 28-45, 2014
Περίπατος στη Μάθηση της Στοιχειώδους Αριθμητικής
Χ Λεμονίδης
Εκδόσεις Αδελφών Κυριακίδη 1, 240, 1994
The 8th grade students’ competencies in alternating different symbolic representations of rational numbers
C Lemonidis, N Pilianidis
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 15 (3), em0587, 2020
Computational estimation in the classroom with tablets, interactive selfie video and self-regulated learning
G Palaigeorgiou, I Chloptsidou, C Lemonidis
Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning: Proceedings of …, 2018
Διδασκαλία των πρώτων αριθμητικών εννοιών
Χ Λεμονίδης
Ερευνητική διάσταση της Διδακτικής των Μαθηματικών, 87-122, 1998
Elementary teachers’ efficiency in computational estimation problems
D Lemonidis, Ch., Mouratoglou, A., Pnevmatikos
MENON: Journal Of Educational Research 1 (Thematic Issue), 144-158, 2014
Nature and Life Mathematics. Mental Calculations.
C Lemonidis
Zygos. Thessaloniki, Greece. 1, 440, 2013
Μια νέα πρόταση διδασκαλίας στα Μαθηματικά για τις πρώτες τάξεις του Δημοτικού Σχολείου
Χ Λεμονίδης
Θέματα στην Εκπαίδευση 3 (1), 5-22, 2002
Number line in the history and the education of mathematics.
C Lemonidis, A Gkolfos
Journal Teaching Innovations 33 (1), 36-56, 2020
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