John(Ioannis)   Golias
John(Ioannis) Golias
Professor, National Technical University of Athens, School of Civil Engineering
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Short-term traffic forecasting: Where we are and where we˘re going
EI Vlahogianni, MG Karlaftis, JC Golias
Transportation Research Part C - Emerging Technologies,, 2014
Optimized and meta-optimized neural networks for short-term traffic flow prediction: A genetic approach
EI Vlahogianni, MG Karlaftis, JC Golias
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 13 (3), 211-234, 2005
Short‐term traffic forecasting: Overview of objectives and methods
EI Vlahogianni, JC Golias, MG Karlaftis
Transport reviews 24 (5), 533-557, 2004
Effects of road geometry and traffic volumes on rural roadway accident rates
MG Karlaftis, I Golias
Accident Analysis & Prevention 34 (3), 357-365, 2002
A critical assessment of pedestrian behaviour models
E Papadimitriou, G Yannis, J Golias
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 12 (3), 242-255, 2009
Unmanned Aerial Aircraft Systems for transportation engineering: Current practice and future challenges
EN Barmpounakis, EI Vlahogianni, JC Golias
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 5 (3), 111-122, 2016
Comparative evaluation of existing and innovative rail–road freight transport terminals
A Ballis, J Golias
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 36 (7), 593-611, 2002
Overview of critical risk factors in Power-Two-Wheeler safety
EI Vlahogianni, G Yannis, JC Golias
Accident Analysis & Prevention 49 (1), 12-22, 2012
Spatio‐temporal short‐term urban traffic volume forecasting using genetically optimized modular networks
EI Vlahogianni, MG Karlaftis, JC Golias
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 22 (5), 317-325, 2007
Statistical methods for detecting nonlinearity and non-stationarity in univariate short-term time-series of traffic volume
EI Vlahogianni, MG Karlaftis, JC Golias
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 14 (5), 351-367, 2006
Drivers' speed behaviour on rural road curves
G Kanellaidis, J Golias, S Efstathiadis
Traffic Engineering and Control 31 (7-8), 414-415, 1990
Towards the improvement of a combined transport chain performance
A Ballis, J Golias
European journal of operational research 152 (2), 420-436, 2004
Measuring accident risk exposure for pedestrians in different micro-environments
S Lassarre, E Papadimitriou, G Yannis, J Golias
Accident Analysis & Prevention 39 (6), 1226-1238, 2007
Driver age and vehicle engine size effects on fault and severity in young motorcyclists accidents
G Yannis, J Golias, E Papadimitriou
Accident Analysis & Prevention 37 (2), 327-333, 2005
Differences between vehicle lateral displacement on the road and in a fixed-base simulator
E Blana, J Golias
Human factors 44 (2), 303-313, 2002
Effects of urban delivery restrictions on traffic movements
G Yannis, J Golias, C Antoniou
Transportation Planning and Technology 29 (4), 295-311, 2006
Temporal evolution of short‐term urban traffic flow: a nonlinear dynamics approach
EI Vlahogianni, MG Karlaftis, JC Golias
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 23 (7), 536-548, 2008
Off-street parking choice sensitivity
J Golias, G Yannis, M Harvatis
Transportation Planning and Technology 25 (4), 333-348, 2002
Analysis of traffic corridor impacts from the introduction of the new Athens Metro system
JC Golias
Journal of Transport Geography 10 (2), 91-97, 2002
A survey of drivers' attitudes toward speed limit violations
G Kanellaidis, J Golias, K Zarifopoulos
Journal of safety Research 26 (1), 31-40, 1995
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Articles 1–20