Karol Grudzinski
Karol Grudzinski
Independent self-supporting researcher
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Prototype based rules-a new way to understand the data
W Duch, K Grudzinski
IJCNN'01. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. Proceedings …, 2001
Feature selection based on information theory filters
W Duch, J Biesiada, T Winiarski, K Grudziński, K Grąbczewski
Neural Networks and Soft Computing: Proceedings of the Sixth International …, 2003
Symbolic features in neural networks
W Duch, K Grudzinski, G Stawski
Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Neural Networks and their Applications …, 2000
Minimal distance neural methods
W Dich, K Grudzinski, GHF Diercksen
1998 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks Proceedings …, 1998
Meta-learning via search combined with parameter optimization
W Duch, K Grudziński
Intelligent Information Systems 2002: Proceedings of the IIS’2002 Symposium …, 2002
Meta-learning: searching in the model space
W Duch, K Grudzińsk
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.06207, 2018
SBL-PM: A simple algorithm for selection of reference instances for similarity based methods
K Grudzinski, W Duch
Proceedings of Intelligent Information Systems IIS’2000, 99-108, 2000
Weighting and selection of features
W Duch, K Grudzinski
Intelligent Information Systems VII, Ustron, Poland, 32-36, 1999
Plethysm for the non-compact group and new S-function identities
K Grudzinski, BG Wybourne
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 29 (20), 6631, 1996
The weighted k-NN with selection of features and its neural realization
W Duch, K Grudzinski
Proc. 4-th Conf. on Neural Networks and Their Applications, Zakopane, Poland, 1999
Ensembles of similarity-based models
W Duch, K Grudziński
Intelligent Information Systems 2001: Proceedings of the International …, 2001
Search and global minimization in similarity-based methods
W Duch, K Grudzinski
IJCNN'99. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. Proceedings …, 1999
Symplectic models of n-particle systems
K Grudziński, BG Wybourne
Reports on Mathematical Physics 38 (2), 251-266, 1996
A framework for similarity-based methods
W Duch, K Grudzinski
Second Polish Conference on Theory and Applications of Artificial …, 1998
Pruning classification rules with reference vector selection methods
K Grudziński, M Grochowski, W Duch
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 347-354, 2010
Competent undemocratic committees
W Duch, Ł Itert, K Grudziński
Neural Networks and Soft Computing: Proceedings of the Sixth International …, 2003
Rules for melanoma skin cancer diagnosis
W Duch, K Grabczewski, R Adamczak, ZS Hippe
Komputerowe Systemy Rozpoznawania, KOSYR, Wrocław, 59-68, 2001
SBL-PM-M: A system for partial memory learning
K Grudziński
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 586-591, 2004
Weighting and selection features. intelligent information system viii
W Duch, K Grudzinski
Proceedings of the Workshop held in Ustron. Ustron, Poland, 32-36, 1999
EkP: A fast minimization–based prototype selection algorithm
K Grudzinski
Intelligent Information Systems 16, 45-53, 2008
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