Kyungsoo Jeong
Kyungsoo Jeong
Researcher, NREL
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Behavioral modeling of on-demand mobility services: General framework and application to sustainable travel incentives
Y Xie, M Danaf, C Lima Azevedo, AP Akkinepally, B Atasoy, K Jeong, ...
Transportation 46, 2017-2039, 2019
Nonlinear inverse optimization for parameter estimation of commodity-vehicle-decoupled freight assignment
JYJ Chow, SG Ritchie, K Jeong
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 67, 71-91, 2014
Assessing crash risk considering vehicle interactions with trucks using point detector data
KK Hyun, K Jeong, A Tok, SG Ritchie
Accident Analysis & Prevention 130, 75-83, 2019
Understanding the effects of vehicle platoons on crash type and severity
KK Hyun, SK Mitra, K Jeong, A Tok
Accident Analysis & Prevention 149, 105858, 2021
Exploring algorithms for revealing freight vehicle tours, tour-types, and tour-chain-types from GPS vehicle traces and stop activity data
A Romano Alho, T Sakai, MH Chua, K Jeong, P Jing, M Ben-Akiva
Journal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation 1 (2), 175-190, 2019
A generic future mobility sensing system for travel data collection, management, fusion, and visualization
L You, F Zhao, L Cheah, K Jeong, PC Zegras, M Ben-Akiva
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 21 (10), 4149-4160, 2019
Truck activity monitoring system for freight transportation analysis
A Tok, K Hyun, S Hernandez, K Jeong, Y Sun, C Rindt, SG Ritchie
Transportation Research Record 2610 (1), 97-107, 2017
Future mobility sensing: An intelligent mobility data collection and visualization platform
L You, F Zhao, L Cheah, K Jeong, C Zegras, M Ben-Akiva
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2018
California vehicle inventory and use survey: pilot study insights
K Jeong, A Tok, SG Ritchie, J Park
Transportation Research Record 2547 (1), 32-40, 2016
Influence of personal concerns about travel on travel behavior
K Jeong, KK Hyun, SG Ritchie
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2017
Goal programming approach to allocate freight analysis framework mode flow data
D Rodriguez-Roman, N Masoud, K Jeong, SG Ritchie
Transportation Research Record 2411 (1), 82-89, 2014
A GPS-based user-verified shipment survey method to supplement the commodity flow survey: survey design, platform, and case study
P Jing, J Guan, K Jeong, L You, L Cheah, F Zhao, M Ben-Akiva
Transportation, 1-32, 2023
Behavior, energy, autonomy & mobility comprehensive regional evaluator: Overview, calibration and validation summary of an agent-based integrated regional transportation …
CA Spurlock, MA Bouzaghrane, A Brooker, J Caicedo, J Gonder, ...
Comprehensive approach to measure the mobility energy productivity of freight transport
K Jeong, V Garikapati, Y Hou, A Birky, K Walkowicz
Transportation Research Record 2674 (7), 29-43, 2020
Next-Generation Smartphone or Tablet-Based Commercial Vehicle Survey
L Cheah, K Jeong, A Marach
Innovations in Freight Data Workshop, 12, 2019
Modeling travel behavior with on-demand systems: the case of real-time sustainable travel incentives
Y Xie, M Danaf, CML Azevedo, A Prakash, B Atasoy, K Jeong, R Seshadri, ...
hEART 2018: 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in …, 2018
Integrated data collection method for tracking freight movement
M Ben-Akiva, J Guan, K Jeong, J Ding-Mastera, P Jing, M Stinson, ...
United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Corporate Research …, 2022
Local container truck routing problem with its operational flexibility
K Jeong, SG Ritchie
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2017
Teaching freight mode choice models new tricks using interpretable machine learning methods
X Xu, HC Yang, K Jeong, W Bui, S Ravulaparthy, H Laarabi, ZA Needell, ...
Frontiers in Future Transportation 5, 1339273, 2024
Emerging Trends in Freight [Slides]
K Jeong, A Birky
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2023
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