David Roberts
David Roberts
Professor of Telepresence, University of Salford
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Cited by
Full immersive virtual environment CAVETM in chemistry education
M Limniou, D Roberts, N Papadopoulos
Computers & Education 51 (2), 584-593, 2008
Speech command input recognition system for interactive computer display with term weighting means used in interpreting potential commands from relevant speech terms
SA Morgan, DJ Roberts, CA Swearingen, AR Tannenbaum
US Patent 6,192,343, 2001
Facilitating viewer interaction with three-dimensional objects and two-dimensional images in virtual three-dimensional workspace by drag and drop technique
DDC Bardon, RE Berry, SH Isensee, DJ Roberts, JM Mullaly
US Patent 5,903,271, 1999
Political transition in Cambodia 1991-99: Power, elitism and democracy
D Roberts
Routledge, 2016
Wind power management system and method
S Ghosh, JW Goins, T Hedgepeth, S MacDonald, DC Roberts, ...
US Patent 6,925,385, 2005
The role of electrostatics in protein–protein interactions of a monoclonal antibody
D Roberts, R Keeling, M Tracka, CF Van Der Walle, S Uddin, J Warwicker, ...
Molecular pharmaceutics 11 (7), 2475-2489, 2014
Specific ion and buffer effects on protein–protein interactions of a monoclonal antibody
D Roberts, R Keeling, M Tracka, CF Van Der Walle, S Uddin, J Warwicker, ...
Molecular pharmaceutics 12 (1), 179-193, 2015
Navigation via environmental objects in three-dimensional workspace interactive displays
DDC Bardon, RE Berry, SH Isensee, DJ Roberts
US Patent 6,271,842, 2001
Interaction spheres of three-dimensional objects in three-dimensional workspace displays
RE Berry, SH Isensee, SL Martin, DJ Roberts
US Patent 6,094,196, 2000
Higher education lectures: from passive to active learning via imagery?
D Roberts
Active Learning in Higher Education 20 (1), 63-77, 2019
The metagalactic ionizing radiation field at low redshift
JM Shull, D Roberts, ML Giroux, SV Penton, MA Fardal
The Astronomical Journal 118 (4), 1450, 1999
Human insecurity: Global structures of violence
D Roberts
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2008
Liberal peacebuilding and global governance: beyond the metropolis
D Roberts
Routledge, 2011
Hybrid polities and indigenous pluralities: Advanced lessons in statebuilding from Cambodia
D Roberts
Statebuilding and Intervention, 165-188, 2014
Post-conflict peacebuilding, liberal irrelevance and the locus of legitimacy
D Roberts
International Peacekeeping 18 (4), 410-424, 2011
Passageway properties: customizable protocols for entry and exit of places
JM Mullaly, RE Berry, SH Isensee, DJ Roberts
US Patent 6,069,632, 2000
Constructing a Gazebo: supporting teamwork in a tightly coupled, distributed task in virtual reality
D Roberts, R Wolff, O Otto, A Steed
Presence 12 (6), 644-657, 2003
Display system with imbedded icons in a menu bar
RE Berry, SF Henshaw, DJ Roberts
US Patent 6,061,060, 2000
Post‐conflict statebuilding and state legitimacy: From negative to positive peace?
D Roberts
Development and Change 39 (4), 537-555, 2008
Back away navigation from three-dimensional objects in three-dimensional workspace interactive displays
RE Berry, SH Isensee, DJ Roberts
US Patent 6,104,406, 2000
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20