Elena Rivo López
Elena Rivo López
Teacher of Organizational Theory, Vigo University
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Cited by
On the relationship between corporate governance and value creation in an economic crisis: Empirical evidence for the Spanish case
M Villanueva-Villar, E Rivo-López, S Lago-Penas
BRQ Business Research Quarterly 19 (4), 233-245, 2016
Segmentación del mercado de un destino turístico de interior. El caso de A Ribeira Sacra (Ourense)
R Meiriño, JAF Brea, NA Vila, ER López
PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural 14 (2), 369-383, 2016
Corporate social responsibility and family business in the time of COVID-19: changing strategy?
E Rivo-López, M Villanueva-Villar, M Michinel-Álvarez, F Reyes-Santías
Sustainability 13 (4), 2041, 2021
Externalización: más allá de la subcontratación
ER López
La gestión de la diversidad: XIII Congreso Nacional, IX Congreso Hispano …, 1999
Family offices: What, why and what for
E Rivo-López, M Villanueva-Villar, A Vaquero-García, S Lago-Peñas
Organizational Dynamics 46 (4), 262-270, 2017
‘The glass ceiling’: Myth or reality? An expatriation perspective
MB Domínguez, E Rivo-López, M Villanueva-Villar
Organizational Dynamics 48 (4), 100706, 2019
Do family firms contribute to job stability? Evidence from the great recession
E Rivo-López, M Villanueva-Villar, A Vaquero-García, S Lago-Peñas
Journal of Family Business Management 12 (1), 152-169, 2022
How does a business family manage its wealth? A family office perspective
E Rivo-López, M Villanueva-Villar, G Suárez-Blázquez, F Reyes-Santías
Journal of Family Business Management 11 (4), 496-511, 2020
Modular product architecture implementation and decisions on production network structure and strategic plant roles
JF Lampón, E Rivo-López
Production Planning & Control 33 (15), 1449-1464, 2022
La coordinación de la docencia de grado en el marco del EEES: el caso de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Turismo de Ourense
PS Fernández, ER López, MC del Rio Rama
REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria 10 (3), 285-299, 2012
The impact of visual narrative formats on women's entrepreneurship training
E Rivo-López, JF Lampón, M Villanueva-Villar, C Míguez-Álvarez
The International Journal of Management Education 20 (2), 100636, 2022
The effect of the industry technology intensity on the drivers of manufacturing backshoring
JF Lampón, E Rivo-López
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 33 (1), 1-21, 2022
Selection of non-financial sustainability indicators as key elements for multi-criteria analysis of hotel chains
JL Miguez, E Rivo-Lopez, J Porteiro, R Pérez-Orozco
Sustainable Production and Consumption 35, 495-508, 2023
An analysis of unconscious gender bias in academic texts by means of a decision algorithm
P Orgeira-Crespo, C Míguez-Álvarez, M Cuevas-Alonso, E Rivo-López
Plos one 16 (9), e0257903, 2021
Audit opinions: are they really different for family businesses?
M Mareque, E Rivo-López, M Villanueva-Villar, S Lago-Peñas
SAGE Open 9 (2), 2158244019856725, 2019
Analysis of district heating and cooling energy systems in Spain: resources, technology and management
BM Paredes-Sánchez, JP Paredes, N Caparrini, E Rivo-López
Sustainability 13 (10), 5442, 2021
Family office: instrumento de gestión del patrimonio familiar
ER López, BG Vázquez, NR López
European Journal of Family Business 1 (2), 43-56, 2011
Market segmentation in an inland tourist destination. The case of A Ribeira Sacra (Ourense).
R Carballo Meiriño, JA Fraiz Brea, N Araújo Vila, E Rivo Lopez
The family office in Spain: an exploratory study
ER López, NR López, BG Sánchez
Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management 11 …, 2013
La gestión del aula
R Sanz, E López
A. Argente, L. Ballester, E. Llorca, E. López-Luján, V. Marchante, JM Mula …, 2013
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Articles 1–20