Professor Michael Vrahnakis
Professor Michael Vrahnakis
Dept. of Forestry and Wood and Design Sciences, University of Thessaly, GREECE
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Cited by
Change in plant spatial patterns and diversity along the successional gradient of Mediterranean grazing ecosystems
CL Alados, A ElAich, VP Papanastasis, H Ozbek, T Navarro, H Freitas, ...
Ecological Modelling 180 (4), 523-535, 2004
The European Dry Grassland Group (EDGG): stewarding Europe’s most diverse habitat type
M Vrahnakis, M Janišová, S Rūsiņa, P Török, S Venn, J Dengler
Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Forsten, Umwelt und Naturschutz (TMLFUN), 2013
Scale-dependent plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands: a comparative overview
J Dengler, I Biurrun, I Apostolova, E Baumann, T Becker, A Berastegi, ...
Bulletin of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group 31, 12-26, 2016
Land use demands for the CLUE-S spatiotemporal model in an agroforestry perspective
G Mamanis, M Vrahnakis, D Chouvardas, S Nasiakou, V Kleftoyanni
Land 10 (10), 1097, 2021
Grasslands and shrublands of the Mediterranean region
R Guarino, M Vrahnakis, MPR Rojo, L Giuga, S Pasta
Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes 3, 638-655, 2020
Floristic diversity of valonia oak silvopastoral woodlands in Greece
MS Vrahnakis, G Fotiadis, A Pantera, A Papadopoulos, VP Papanastasis
Agroforestry systems 88, 877-893, 2014
Land use changes for investments in Silvoarable agriculture projected by the CLUE-S Spatio-temporal model
S Nasiakou, M Vrahnakis, D Chouvardas, G Mamanis, V Kleftoyanni
Land 11 (5), 598, 2022
A conceptual business model for an agroforestry consulting company
M Vrahnakis, S Nasiakou, Y Kazoglou, G Blanas
Agroforestry systems 90, 219-236, 2016
Additions to the flora of the Prespa National Park, Greece.
A Strid, E Bergmeier, FN Sakellarakis, Y Kazoglou, M Vrahnakis, ...
Phytologia Balcanica 23 (2), 2017
Assessment of structural components of riparian forest vegetation of the Prespa Basin with the means of the QBR index
Y Kazoglou, G Fotiadis, I Koutseri, M Vrahnakis
BALWOIS, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 2010
Assessment of grazing effects on mediterranean shrubs Phillyrea latifolia L. and Cistus monspeliensis L. with developmental instability and fractal Dimension
D Sirkou, CL Alados, VP Papanastasis, M Vrahnakis, K Iovi, ML Giner, ...
Barkhuis, 2002
Grazing as a Management Tool in Mediterranean Pastures: A Meta-Analysis Based on A Literature Review
D Oikonomou, M Vrahnakis, M Yiakoulaki, G Xanthopoulos, Y Kazoglou
Land 12 (7), 1290, 2023
Grasslands of the Mediterranean Basin andthe Middle East and their Management
D Ambarlı, M Vrahnakis, S Burrascano, A Naqinezhad, MP Fernandez
Grasslands of the world: diversity, management and conservation, 2018
Perennial-like adaptation mechanisms of annual legumes to limited irrigation
P Kostopoulou, MS Vrahnakis, T Merou, M Lazaridou
Journal of Environmental Biology 31 (3), 311-314, 2010
Ecology, chorology and commonness of the Trifolium taxa in Greece
G Fotiadis, MS Vrahnakis, T Merou, K Vidakis
Feddes Repertorium 121 (1‐2), 66-80, 2010
Components of floristic diversity in kermes oak shrublands
MS Vrahnakis, G Fotiadis, D Chouvardas, K Mantzanas, VP Papanastasis
Grassland Science in Europe 10, 149-152, 2005
Public perception on measures needed for the ecological restoration of Grecian juniper silvopastoral woodlands
M Vrahnakis, S Nasiakou, K Soutsas
Agroforestry Systems 95 (5), 1-13, 2021
The Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG) in 2015–2016
S Venn, D Ambarlı, I Biurrun, J Dengler, M Janišová, A Kuzemko, P Török, ...
Hacquetia 15 (2), 15-19, 2016
Dry grassland types in the Prespa National Park (NW Greece), including the southernmost occurrence of the priority habitat type “Pannonic sand steppes”(code 6260)
G Fotiadis, M Vrahnakis, Y Kazoglou, I Tsiripidis
Hacquetia 13 (1), 171-189, 2014
Soil quality characteristics of traditional agroforestry systems in Mouzaki area, central Greece
MI Kokkora, M Vrahnakis, V Kleftoyanni
Agroforestry Systems 96 (5), 857-871, 2022
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Articles 1–20