Ali Sadi Turabi
Ali Sadi Turabi
Acting Director of Technology Development and Management, TUBITAK Marmara Research Center
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Cited by
The influence of heat treatment on the thermomechanical response of Ni-rich NiTi alloys manufactured by selective laser melting
S Saedi, AS Turabi, MT Andani, C Haberland, H Karaca, M Elahinia
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 677, 204-210, 2016
Effect of manufacturing parameters on mechanical properties of 316L stainless steel parts fabricated by selective laser melting: A computational framework
A Ahmadi, R Mirzaeifar, NS Moghaddam, AS Turabi, HE Karaca, ...
Materials & Design 112, 328-338, 2016
Texture, aging, and superelasticity of selective laser melting fabricated Ni-rich NiTi alloys
S Saedi, AS Turabi, MT Andani, NS Moghaddam, M Elahinia, HE Karaca
Materials Science and Engineering: A 686, 1-10, 2017
Mechanical and shape memory properties of porous Ni50. 1Ti49. 9 alloys manufactured by selective laser melting
MT Andani, S Saedi, AS Turabi, MR Karamooz, C Haberland, HE Karaca, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 68, 224-231, 2017
High strength NiTiHf shape memory alloys with tailorable properties
SM Saghaian, HE Karaca, H Tobe, AS Turabi, S Saedi, SE Saghaian, ...
Acta Materialia 134, 211-220, 2017
Thermomechanical characterization of Ni-rich NiTi fabricated by selective laser melting
S Saedi, AS Turabi, MT Andani, C Haberland, M Elahinia, H Karaca
Smart Materials and Structures 25 (3), 035005, 2016
Tensile shape memory behavior of Ni50. 3Ti29. 7Hf20 high temperature shape memory alloys
SM Saghaian, HE Karaca, M Souri, AS Turabi, RD Noebe
Materials & Design 101, 340-345, 2016
Achieving biocompatible stiffness in NiTi through additive manufacturing
M Taheri Andani, C Haberland, JM Walker, M Karamooz, A Sadi Turabi, ...
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 27 (19), 2661-2671, 2016
Unusual reversible twinning modes and giant superelastic strains in FeNiCoAlNb single crystals
YI Chumlyakov, IV Kireeva, OA Kutz, AS Turabi, HE Karaca, I Karaman
Scripta Materialia 119, 43-46, 2016
The effect of Sn content on mechanical, magnetization and shape memory behavior in NiMnSn alloys
Y Aydogdu, AS Turabi, M Kok, A Aydogdu, ZD Yakinci, MA Aksan, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 683, 339-345, 2016
Shape memory effect and superelasticity of NiMnCoIn metamagnetic shape memory alloys under high magnetic field
AS Turabi, HE Karaca, H Tobe, B Basaran, Y Aydogdu, YI Chumlyakov
Scripta Materialia 111, 110-113, 2016
The effects of boron addition on the magnetic and mechanical properties of NiMnSn shape memory alloys
Y Aydogdu, AS Turabi, A Aydogdu, M Kok, ZD Yakinci, HE Karaca
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 126, 399-406, 2016
Effects of the substitution of gallium with boron on the physical and mechanical properties of Ni–Mn–Ga shape memory alloys
Y Aydogdu, AS Turabi, M Kok, A Aydogdu, H Tobe, HE Karaca
Applied Physics A 117, 2073-2078, 2014
Experimental characterization of shape memory alloys
AS Turabi, S Saedi, SM Saghaian, HE Karaca, MH Elahinia
Shape memory alloy actuators: Design, fabrication, and experimental …, 2015
Magnetic and conventional shape memory behavior of Mn–Ni–Sn and Mn–Ni–Sn (Fe) alloys
AS Turabi, P Lázpita, M Sasmaz, HE Karaca, VA Chernenko
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (20), 205002, 2016
Superelasticity of [001]-oriented Fe42ˇ 6Ni27. 9Co17ˇ 2Al9. 9Nb2. 4 ferrous shape memory alloys
HE Karaca, AS Turabi, YI Chumlyakov, I Kireeva, H Tobe, B Basaran
Scripta Materialia 120, 54-57, 2016
Stiffness Tuning of Niti Implants Through Aging
NS Moghaddam, A Amerinatanzi, S Saedi, AS Turabi, H Karaca, ...
V001T02A014-V001T02A014, 2016
The effects of substituting B for Cu on the magnetic and shape memory properties of CuAlMnB alloys
Y Aydogdu, AS Turabi, A Aydogdu, ED Vance, M Kok, G Kirat, HE Karaca
Applied Physics A 122, 1-8, 2016
Compressive response of polycrystalline NiCoMnGa high-temperature meta-magnetic shape memory alloys
HE Karaca, AS Turabi, B Basaran, AK Pathak, I Dubenko, N Ali, ...
Journal of materials engineering and performance 22, 3111-3114, 2013
The effects of thermal procedure on transformation temperature, crystal structure and microstructure of Cu-Al-Co shape memory alloy
Y Aydoğdu, M Kök, F Dağdelen, A Aydoğdu, AS Turabi, HE Karaca
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 667 (1), 012010, 2016
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Articles 1–20