Wu Hua
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Cited by
Satellite-derived land surface temperature: Current status and perspectives
ZL Li, BH Tang, H Wu, H Ren, G Yan, Z Wan, IF Trigo, JA Sobrino
Remote sensing of environment 131, 14-37, 2013
Land surface emissivity retrieval from satellite data
ZL Li, H Wu, N Wang, S Qiu, JA Sobrino, Z Wan, BH Tang, G Yan
International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (9-10), 3084-3127, 2013
Scale issues in remote sensing: A review on analysis, processing and modeling
H Wu, ZL Li
Sensors 9 (3), 1768-1793, 2009
Validation of Collection 6 MODIS land surface temperature product using in situ measurements
SB Duan, ZL Li, H Li, FM Göttsche, H Wu, W Zhao, P Leng, X Zhang, ...
Remote sensing of environment 225, 16-29, 2019
Inversion of the PROSAIL model to estimate leaf area index of maize, potato, and sunflower fields from unmanned aerial vehicle hyperspectral data
SB Duan, ZL Li, H Wu, BH Tang, L Ma, E Zhao, C Li
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 26, 12-20, 2014
Satellite remote sensing of global land surface temperature: Definition, methods, products, and applications
ZL Li, H Wu, SB Duan, W Zhao, H Ren, X Liu, P Leng, R Tang, X Ye, J Zhu, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 61 (1), 2023
Generation of a time-consistent land surface temperature product from MODIS data
SB Duan, ZL Li, BH Tang, H Wu, R Tang
Remote sensing of environment 140, 339-349, 2014
Evaluation of six land-surface diurnal temperature cycle models using clear-sky in situ and satellite data
SB Duan, ZL Li, N Wang, H Wu, BH Tang
Remote Sensing of Environment 124, 15-25, 2012
Temperature and emissivity retrievals from hyperspectral thermal infrared data using linear spectral emissivity constraint
N Wang, H Wu, F Nerry, C Li, ZL Li
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 49 (4), 1291-1303, 2010
Surface soil water content estimation from thermal remote sensing based on the temporal variation of land surface temperature
D Zhang, R Tang, W Zhao, B Tang, H Wu, K Shao, ZL Li
Remote Sensing 6 (4), 3170-3187, 2014
Radiance-based validation of land surface temperature products derived from Collection 6 MODIS thermal infrared data
SB Duan, ZL Li, H Wu, P Leng, M Gao, C Wang
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 70, 84-92, 2018
Evaluation of machine learning algorithms in spatial downscaling of MODIS land surface temperature
W Li, L Ni, Z Li, SB Duan, H Wu
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2019
Biophysical impacts of earth greening can substantially mitigate regional land surface temperature warming
Y Li, ZL Li, H Wu, C Zhou, X Liu, P Leng, P Yang, W Wu, R Tang, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 121, 2023
Estimation of diurnal cycle of land surface temperature at high temporal and spatial resolution from clear-sky MODIS data
SB Duan, ZL Li, BH Tang, H Wu, R Tang, Y Bi, G Zhou
Remote Sensing 6 (4), 3247-3262, 2014
Estimation and validation of land surface temperatures from Chinese second-generation polar-orbit FY-3A VIRR data
BH Tang, K Shao, ZL Li, H Wu, F Nerry, G Zhou
Remote Sensing 7 (3), 3250-3273, 2015
An improved NDVI-based threshold method for estimating land surface emissivity using MODIS satellite data
BH Tang, K Shao, ZL Li, H Wu, R Tang
International Journal of Remote Sensing 36 (19-20), 4864-4878, 2015
Normalization of the temporal effect on the MODIS land surface temperature product using random forest regression
W Zhao, H Wu, G Yin, SB Duan
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 152, 109-118, 2019
Multiscale validation of the 8-day MOD16 evapotranspiration product using flux data collected in China
R Tang, K Shao, ZL Li, H Wu, BH Tang, G Zhou, L Zhang
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2015
Land surface temperature retrieval from passive microwave satellite observations: State-of-the-art and future directions
SB Duan, XJ Han, C Huang, ZL Li, H Wu, Y Qian, M Gao, P Leng
Remote Sensing 12 (16), 2573, 2020
Estimation of broadband surface emissivity from narrowband emissivities
BH Tang, H Wu, C Li, ZL Li
Optics express 19 (1), 185-192, 2010
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Articles 1–20