Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg
Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg
Other namesGede Primahadi Wijaya R.
University of Oxford; CIRHSS, Universitas Udayana; ALMI (Akademi Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia)
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Cited by
Linguistik Korpus Kuantitatif dan Kajian Semantik Leksikal Sinonim Emosi Bahasa Indonesia
GPW Rajeg
Linguistik Indonesia 38 (2), 123-150, 2020
Metaphorical profiles of five Indonesian quasi-synonyms of ANGER: Multiple distinctive collexeme analysis
GPW Rajeg
KIMLI 2014: Kongres International Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia, 165-170, 2014
Pemahaman kuantitatif dasar dan penerapannya dalam mengkaji keterkatian antara bentuk dan makna
GPW Rajeg, IM Rajeg
Linguistik Indonesia 37 (1), 51-66, 2019
Working with a linguistic corpus using R: An introductory note with Indonesian negating construction
GPW Rajeg, K Denistia, IM Rajeg
Linguistik Indonesia 36 (1), 1-36, 2018
Corpus linguistic and experimental studies on the meaning-preserving hypothesis in Indonesian voice alternations
IM Rajeg, GPW Rajeg, IW Arka
Linguistics Vanguard 8 (1), 367-382, 2022
Metaphorical profiles and near-synonyms: A corpus-based study of Indonesian words for HAPPINESS
GPW Rajeg
Monash University, Australia PhD Thesis (Open Access at, 2019
Mempertemukan Morfologi dan Linguistik Korpus: Kajian Konstruksi Pembentukan kata kerja [per-+ Ajektiva] dalam Bahasa Indonesia
GPW Rajeg, IM Rajeg
Rona Bahasa: Buku persembahan dalam rangka purnabakti Prof. Aron Meko Mbete …, 2017
Visualising Diachronic Change in the Collocational Profiles of Lexical Near-synonyms
G Primahadi Wijaya R., IM Rajeg
Cahaya Bahasa, 247-258, 2014
Corpus-based approach meets LFG: the puzzling case of voice alternations of kena-verbs in Indonesian
GPW Rajeg, IM Rajeg, IW Arka
Proceedings of the 25th International Lexical-Functional Grammar, 307-327, 2020
The Development of Semantic Dictionary Prototype for the Balinese Language
C Pramartha, IMY Mahendra, GPW Rajeg, IW Arka
International Journal of Cyber and IT Service Management 3 (2), 96-106, 2023
Vector Space Models and the usage patterns of Indonesian denominal verbs: A case study of verbs with meN-, meN-/-kan, and meN-/-i affixes
GPW Rajeg, K Denistia, S Musgrave
NUSA: Linguistic studies of languages in and around Indonesia 67, 35-76, 2019
Contrasting the semantics of Indonesian -kan & -i verb pairs: A usage-based, constructional approach
GPW Rajeg, IM Rajeg, IW Arka
Seminar Nasional Bahasa Ibu, 328-344, 2020
Analisis Koleksem Khas dan potensinya untuk kajian kemiripan makna konstruksional dalam Bahasa Indonesia
GPW Rajeg, IM Rajeg
ETIKA BAHASA Buku persembahan menapaki usia pensiun: I Ketut Tika 1, 65-83, 2019
Exploring the semantics of near-synonyms via metaphorical profiles: A quantitative corpus-based study of Indonesian words for HAPPINESS
GPW Rajeg
KIMLI 2016: Kongres Internasional Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia, 261-265, 2016
A corpus linguistic study of constructional equivalence for the Indonesian translation of ROB and STEAL based on the OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus
GPW Rajeg, IM Rajeg
PAROLE: Journal of Linguistics and Education 12 (2), 67-81, 2022
The Spatial Construal of TIME in Indonesian: Evidence from Language and Gesture
GPW Rajeg, P Siahaan, A Gaby
Linguistik Indonesia 40 (1), 1-24, 2022
happyr: The accompanying R package for Rajeg's (2019) PhD thesis titled "Metaphorical profiles and near-synonyms: A corpus-based study of Indonesian words for Happiness"
GPW Rajeg, 2019
Meninjau kembali pandangan klasik terkait perilaku konstruksional memberi vs. memberikan: Suatu kajian dari perspektif linguistik korpus kuantitatif dan Gramatika Konstruksional
GPW Rajeg
Budi Bahasa: Buku Persembahan Purnabhakti Prof. Dr. Made Budiarsa, M.A., 149-172, 2023
Swearing Expressions by Main Male and Female Characters in Night School Movie
EE Ningrum, IM Netra, GPW Rajeg
Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (UJoSSH) 5 (2), 77-80, 2021
Teknik analisis dasar dalam Linguistik Korpus
GPW Rajeg
figshare, 10.6084/m9.figshare.13185467, 2020
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Articles 1–20