Evangelia Moula
Evangelia Moula
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Αναζητώντας τη δημιουργικότητα στη διδασκαλία της λογοτεχνίας στη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση. Ο επαναπροσδιορισμός της δημιουργικής «γραφής» στη μεταμοντέρνα πραγματικότητα και …
Ε Μουλά
Keimena, 2012
Graphic novels as self-conscious contemplative metatexts: redefining comics and participating in theoretical discourse
M Evangelia, C Louiza
Journal of Literature and Art Studies 8 (2), 181-189, 2018
Save Odysseus: An Escape Room as a Content Gamification Activity for Enhancing Collaboration and Resilience in the School Context
EE Moula, KD Malafantis
International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 12 (2), 1-16, 2020
Beyond textual literacy: Visual literacy for creative and critical inquiry
MA Drinkwater
BRILL, 2020
Introducing comics in the classroom: A Trojan horse to literary, linguistic performance and creative writing
E Moula
Frontiers of Language and Teaching 3, 174-182, 2012
Transgressing the written literary norm and redefining textness in contemporary children’s literature
M Evangelia
International Online Language Conference E-Proceedings, 465-475, 2011
From literature to alternate reality games: Prerequisites, criteria, and limitations of a young adult novel’s transformational design for educational purposes
M Evangelia, M Konstantinos
Advances in Literary Study 7 (04), 224, 2019
Greek Classics through Comic Books: Negotiating cultural tradition under the fidelity pseudo-dilemma
M Evangelia
Journal of Literature and Art Studies 2 (6), 587-605, 2012
Forbidden fruit: the censorship of literature and information for young people: conference proceedings
S McNicol
Universal-Publishers, 2008
Comics in education: Advocating visual literacyReinforcing intercultural discourse
M Evangelia
Beyond Textual Literacy: Visual Literacy for Creative & Critical Inquiry …, 2013
Comics in Education: Advocating Visual Literacy, Reinforcing Intercultural Discourse
E Moula
Beyond Textual Literacy: Visual Literacy for Creative and Critical Inquiry …, 2011
Mythical retellings and implicit meta- narratives in children’s literature: The divergence between the already said and the re-said as a subversive mechanism of the dominant …
E Moula
International Journal of Humanities 9 (3), 127-141, 2011
Komiks: greckie słowo, ale czy grecki świat?
E Moula
tłum. A Boryczka). Zeszyty Komiksowe 11, 98-101, 2011
Αρχαία τραγωδία και παιδί: Όροι πρόσληψης και διαμόρφωσης εθνικής συνείδησης στη Μεταπολεμική Ελλάδα
Ε Μουλά
Βιβλίο, 2010
Teaching history through comics: ideological discharge and political projections
E Moula
ICERI2009 Proceedings, 6561-6572, 2009
Medea and Alcestis, The longevity of the construction of the negative female stereotype and its reversal
E Moula
Keimena, Laboratory of Word and Civilization, 2006
Delving into the impact of location-based games on high school students: Foro Italico vs. The Siege
E Moula, C Kouzoukakis
Futurity Education 3 (4), 132-149, 2023
Enlivening a Young Adult Novel on Instagram: Fostering Reading for Pleasure and Interest in Local History
EE Moula
The Digital Folklore of Cyberculture and Digital Humanities, 153-170, 2022
Οι άθλοι του Ηρακλή: Δημιουργία ψηφιακού μουσείου με γραμματόσημα και κώδικες ταχείας ανταπόκρισης για τη βελτιστοποίηση του μαθησιακού αποτελέσματος
Ε Μουλά, Σ Σταυρουλάκης
MUSED, Μουσείο, Σχολείο, Εκπαίδευση 1 (3), 48-60, 2020
Homer’s Odyssey: from classical poetry to threshold graphic narratives for dual readership
EE Moula, KD Malafantis
Journal of Literary Education, 52-70, 2019
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Articles 1–20