Theofanis S. Plagianakos
Theofanis S. Plagianakos
National Technical University of Athens, Department of Mechanical Engineering
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Higher-order layerwise laminate theory for the prediction of interlaminar shear stresses in thick composite and sandwich composite plates
TS Plagianakos, DA Saravanos
Composite Structures 87 (1), 23-35, 2009
High-order layerwise mechanics and finite element for the damped dynamic characteristics of sandwich composite beams
TS Plagianakos, DA Saravanos
International Journal of Solids and Structures 41 (24-25), 6853-6871, 2004
A shear beam finite element for the damping analysis of tubular laminated composite beams
DA Saravanos, D Varelis, TS Plagianakos, N Chrysochoidis
Journal of Sound and Vibration 291 (3-5), 802-823, 2006
High‐order layerwise finite element for the damped free‐vibration response of thick composite and sandwich composite plates
TS Plagianakos, DA Saravanos
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 77 (11), 1593-1626, 2009
Mechanics and finite elements for the damped dynamic characteristics of curvilinear laminates and composite shell structures
TS Plagianakos, DA Saravanos
Journal of Sound and Vibration 263 (2), 399-414, 2003
Higher-order 2-D/3-D layerwise mechanics and finite elements for composite and sandwich composite plates with piezoelectric layers
TS Plagianakos, EG Papadopoulos
Aerospace Science and Technology 40, 150-163, 2015
Static response of a spindle-shaped tensairity column to axial compression
TS Plagianakos, U Teutsch, R Crettol, RH Luchsinger
Engineering Structures 31 (8), 1822-1831, 2009
Coupled High-Order Shear Layerwise Analysis of Adaptive Sandwich Piezoelectric Composite Beams.
TS Plagianakos, DA Saravanos
AIAA journal 43 (4), 885-894, 2005
Effect of fabric webs on the static response of spindle-shaped Tensairity columns
TE Wever, TS Plagianakos, RH Luchsinger, P Marti
Journal of Structural Engineering 136 (4), 410-418, 2010
Hybrid multidamped composite plates with viscoelastic composite plies and shunted piezoelectric layers
TS Plagianakos, DA Saravanos
Journal of intelligent material systems and structures 14 (1), 57-66, 2003
Coupled higher-order layerwise mechanics and finite element for cylindrical composite and sandwich shells with piezoelectric transducers
TS Plagianakos, EG Papadopoulos
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 54, 11-23, 2015
Low-energy impact response of composite and sandwich composite plates with piezoelectric sensory layers
TS Plagianakos, EG Papadopoulos
International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (14), 2713-2727, 2014
Low-velocity impact response of smart sandwich composite plates with piezoelectric transducers: Modeling and experiments
TS Plagianakos, K Lika, EG Papadopoulos
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 27 (6), 774-785, 2016
LRI-fabricated composite demonstrators for an aircraft fuselage on the basis of a Building Block design approach
E Karachalios, K Muñoz, M Jimenez, V Prentzias, S Goossens, ...
Composites Part C: Open Access 6, 100178, 2021
Assessment of CNT-doping and hot-wet storage aging effects on Mode I, II and I/II interlaminar fracture toughness of a UD Graphite/Epoxy material system
TS Plagianakos, K Muñoz, G Guillamet, V Prentzias, ...
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 224, 106761, 2020
Temporary structures with Tensairity
RH Luchsinger, R Crettol, TS Plagianakos
International Symposium IASS-SLITE-Acapulco, 2008
Finite element-based assessment of energy harvesting in composite beams with piezoelectric transducers
TS Plagianakos, N Margelis, N Leventakis, G Bolanakis, P Vartholomeos, ...
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …, 2022
Coupled high-order layerwise laminate theory for sandwich composite plates with piezoelectric actuators and sensors
TS Plagianakos, DA Saravanos
Proc. 19th Int. Conf. Adaptive Struct. Technol.(ICAST), Ascona CH, 2008
Effect of hot-wet storage aging on mechanical response of a woven thermoplastic composite
TS Plagianakos, K Muñoz, D Saenz-Castillo, MM Mendias, M Jiménez, ...
Aerospace 7 (2), 18, 2020
The new lightweight structure Tensairity
RH Luchsinger, R Crettol, T Plagianakos
Bangalore, India: Proceedings of the Structural Engineers World Congress, 2007
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