Johan W.H. Tangelder
Johan W.H. Tangelder
VicarVision, Amsterdam
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A survey of content based 3D shape retrieval methods
JWH Tangelder, RC Veltkamp
Proceedings Shape Modeling Applications, 2004., 145-156, 2004
Polyhedral model retrieval using weighted point sets
JWH Tangelder, RC Veltkamp
2003 Shape Modeling International., 119-129, 2003
Robot machines rapid prototype
JSM Vergeest, JWH Tangelder
Industrial Robot: An International Journal 23 (5), 17-20, 1996
CAD‐Based Photogrammetry for Reverse Engineering of Industrial Installations
JWH Tangelder, P Ermes, G Vosselman, FA Van Den Heuvel
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 18 (4), 264-274, 2003
Automatic feature detection in 3D human body scans
R Suikerbuik, H Tangelder, H Daanen, A Oudenhuijzen
SAE Technical Paper, 2004
Robust NC path generation for rapid shape prototyping
JWH Tangelder, JSM Vergeest
Journal of Design and Manufacturing 4 (4), 281-292, 1994
Measurement of curved objects using gradient based fitting and CSG models
JWH Tangelder, P Ermes, G Vosselman, FA van den Heuvel
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 32 (PART 5W11 …, 1999
Interference-free NC machining using spatial planning and Minkowski operations
JWH Tangelder, JSM Vergeest, MH Overmars
Computer-Aided Design 30 (4), 277-286, 1998
3D reconstruction of industrial installations by constrained fitting of CAD models to images
G Vosselman, JWH Tangelder
Mustererkennung 2000: 22. DAGM-Symposium. Kiel, 13.–15. September 2000, 285-292, 2000
Automated Fabrication of Shape Models of Free-Form Objects with a Sculpturing Robot
JWH Tangelder
Delft University of Technology, 1998
Learning a sparse representation from multiple still images for on-line face recognition in an unconstrained environment
JWH Tangelder, BAM Schouten
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 3, 10867-1090, 2006
Distance measures for Gabor jets-based face authentication: a comparative evaluation
D González-Jiménez, M Bicego, JWH Tangelder, BAM Schouten, ...
Advances in Biometrics: International Conference, ICB 2007, Seoul, Korea …, 2007
Object-oriented measurement of pipe systems using edge matching and CSG models with constraints
JWH Tangelder, G Vosselman, FA van den Heuvel
IAPRS, Amsterdam 32, 132-139, 2000
Freeform Shape Machining Using Minkowski Operations
JWH Tangelder, MH Overmars
Utrecht University: Information and Computing Sciences, 1996
Machining large complex shapes using a 7 DoF device
JSM Vergeest, JWH Tangelder, Z Kovács, G Kuczogi, I Horváth
Machining Impossible Shapes: IFIP TC5 WG5. 3 International Conference on …, 1999
A tool box to identify holes in 3d human body scans
M Stralen, H Daanen, J Tangelder
Proceedings of the 15th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics …, 2003
Non-intrusive face verification by a virtual mirror interface using fractal codes
BAM Schouten, JWH Tangelder
Biometrics on the Internet, 89, 2005
Computation of voxel maps containing tool access directions for machining free-form shapes
JWH Tangelder, JSM Vergeest, MH Overmars
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 1996
Rapid prototyping of complex shapes for conceptual design
JSM Vergeest, JJ Broek, BB Schierbeek, JWH Tangelder
Int. J. Sys. Automat.: Res. & Applic 1 (3), 305-24, 1991
Transparent face recognition in an unconstrained environment using a sparse representation from multiple still images
JWH Tangelder, BAM Schouten
ASCI 2006 conference, Lommel, Belgium, 2006
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