Pierrick Tranouez
Pierrick Tranouez
Litis, University of Rouen Normandie
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Cited by
ESCAPE: exploring by simulation cities awareness on population evacuation
E Daudé, K Chapuis, P Taillandier, P Tranouez, C Caron, A Drogoul, ...
ISCRAM, 2019
Automatic article extraction in old newspapers digitized collections
D Hebert, T Palfray, S Nicolas, P Tranouez, T Paquet
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Digital Access to …, 2014
Spot it! finding words and patterns in historical documents
V Dovgalecs, A Burnett, P Tranouez, S Nicolas, L Heutte
12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2013
Logical segmentation for article extraction in digitized old newspapers
T Palfray, D Hebert, S Nicolas, P Tranouez, T Paquet
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM symposium on Document engineering, 129-132, 2012
Recognition and Information Extraction in Historical Handwritten Tables: Toward Understanding Early Century Paris Census
T Constum, N Kempf, T Paquet, P Tranouez, C Chatelain, S Brée, ...
International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 143-157, 2022
A multiagent urban traffic simulation
P Tranouez, E Daudé, P Langlois
Journal of Nonlinear Systems and Applications 3 (3), 98-106, 2012
Approche décentralisée pour résoudre le problème du transport à la demande
M Nabaa, B Zeddini, P Tranouez
Majestic 2007, Proceedings sur CD, 2007
Improving text recognition using optical and language model writer adaptation
Y Soullard, W Swaileh, P Tranouez, T Paquet, C Chatelain
2019 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR …, 2019
MOSAIIC: City-level agent-based traffic simulation adapted to emergency situations
G Czura, P Taillandier, P Tranouez, É Daudé
Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Modeling and …, 2015
A decentralised approach for the transportation on demand problem
C Bertelle, M Nabaa, D Olivier, P Tranouez
From System Complexity to Emergent Properties, 281-289, 2009
Contribution à la modélisation et à la prise en compte informatique de niveaux de descriptions multiples. Application aux écosystèmes aquatiques Penicillo haere, nam scalas aufero
P Tranouez
Université du Havre, 2005
Multi-scale gated fully convolutional densenets for semantic labeling of historical newspaper images
Y Soullard, P Tranouez, C Chatelain, S Nicolas, T Paquet
Pattern recognition letters 131, 435-441, 2020
Changing the level of description of a fluid flow in an agentbased simulation
P Tranouez, C Bertelle, D Olivier
ESS 2001 conference, 2001
DocExplore: overcoming cultural and physical barriers to access ancient documents
P Tranouez, S Nicolas, V Dovgalecs, A Burnett, L Heutte, Y Liang, ...
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM symposium on Document engineering, 205-208, 2012
PIVAJ: displaying and augmenting digitized newspapers on the web experimental feedback from the" Journal de Rouen" collection
D Hebert, T Palfray, S Nicolas, P Tranouez, T Paquet
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Digital Access to …, 2014
Detecting articles in a digitized Finnish historical newspaper collection 1771-1929: early results using the PIVAJ software
K Kettunen, T Ruokolainen, E Liukkonen, P Tranouez, D Antelme, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Access to Textual …, 2019
Handwriting recognition with multigrams
W Swaileh, T Paquet, Y Soullard, P Tranouez
2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition …, 2017
Changing levels of description in a fluid flow simulation
P Tranouez, C Bertelle, D Olivier
Emergent Properties in Natural and Artificial Dynamical Systems, 87-99, 2006
Dynamic clustering for auto-organized structures in complex fluid flows
C Bertelle, V Jay, S Lerebourg, D Olivier, P Tranouez
ESS 2002, 14th European Simulation Symposium and Exhibition, 2002
A multi-agent system integrating vortex methods for fluid flow computation
C Bertelle, D Olivier, V Jay, P Tranouez, A Cardon
16th IMACS congress, 2000
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Articles 1–20