Dmitrij Lagutin
Dmitrij Lagutin
Research Fellow, Aalto University
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Publish/subscribe for internet: Psirp perspective
D Lagutin, K Visala, S Tarkoma
Towards the Future Internet, 75-84, 2010
D2. 3–architecture definition, component descriptions, and requirements
M Ain, D Trossen, P Nikander, S Tarkoma, K Visala, K Rimey, T Burbridge, ...
Deliverable, PSIRP 7th FP EU-funded project 11, 2009
Interledger approaches
VA Siris, P Nikander, S Voulgaris, N Fotiou, D Lagutin, GC Polyzos
Ieee Access 7, 89948-89966, 2019
Improving the privacy of iot with decentralised identifiers (dids)
Y Kortesniemi, D Lagutin, T Elo, N Fotiou
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 2019 (1), 8706760, 2019
LANES: An inter-domain data-oriented routing architecture
K Visala, D Lagutin, S Tarkoma
Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on Re-architecting the internet, 55-60, 2009
Enabling Decentralised Identifiers and Verifiable Credentials for Constrained IoT Devices using OAuth-based Delegation
D Lagutin, Y Kortesniemi, N Fotiou, VA Siris
Workshop on Decentralized IoT Systems and Security, 2019
Redesigning internet-the packet level authentication architecture
D Lagutin
Licentiate’s Thesis-Helsinki University of Technology, 2008
Roles and security in a publish/subscribe network architecture
D Lagutin, K Visala, A Zahemszky, T Burbridge, GF Marias
The IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications, 68-74, 2010
An interledger blockchain platform for cross-border management of cybersecurity information
R Neisse, JL Hernández-Ramos, SN Matheu-Garcia, G Baldini, ...
IEEE Internet Computing 24 (3), 19-29, 2020
Capabilities-based access control for IoT devices using Verifiable Credentials
N Fotiou, VA Siris, GC Polyzos, Y Kortesniemi, D Lagutin
2022 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 222-228, 2022
Secure open federation of IoT platforms through interledger technologies-the SOFIE approach
D Lagutin, F Bellesini, T Bragatto, A Cavadenti, V Croce, Y Kortesniemi, ...
2019 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 518-522, 2019
Experimentally-driven research in publish/subscribe information-centric inter-networking
A Zahemszky, B Gajic, CE Rothenberg, C Reason, D Trossen, D Lagutin, ...
Testbeds and Research Infrastructures. Development of Networks and …, 2011
Securing the Internet with digital signatures
D Lagutin
Aalto-yliopiston teknillinen korkeakoulu, 2010
Boosting the performance of content centric networking using delay tolerant networking mechanisms
HMA Islam, D Chatzopoulos, D Lagutin, P Hui, A Ylä-Jääski
IEEE Access 5, 23858-23870, 2017
ICN enabling CoAP Extensions for IP based IoT devices
N Fotiou, G Xylomenos, GC Polyzos, H Islam, D Lagutin, T Hakala, ...
Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking, 218-219, 2017
Observing IoT resources over ICN
HMA Islam, D Lagutin, N Fotiou
2017 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops, 1-8, 2017
Transparent coap services to iot endpoints through icn operator networks
HMA Islam, D Lagutin, A Ylä-Jääski, N Fotiou, A Gurtov
Sensors 19 (6), 1339, 2019
Conceptual architecture of PSIRP including subcomponent descriptions
M Ain, S Tarkoma, D Trossen, P Nikander, T Burbridge, A Zahemszky, ...
PSIRP project, Deliverable D 2, 2, 2008
Bridging the cyber and physical worlds using blockchains and smart contracts
N Fotiou, VA Siris, S Voulgaris, GC Polyzos, D Lagutin
Workshop on Decentralized IoT Systems and Security, 2019
CIDOR: Content distribution and retrieval in disaster networks for public protection
HMA Islam, D Lagutin, A Lukyanenko, A Gurtov, A Ylä-Jääski
2017 IEEE 13th international conference on wireless and mobile computing …, 2017
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Articles 1–20