Sukesh Aghara
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Cited by
Coupled neutron transport for HZETRN
TC Slaba, SR Blattnig, SK Aghara, LW Townsend, T Handler, TA Gabriel, ...
Radiation Measurements 45 (2), 173-182, 2010
Advances in space radiation physics and transport at NASA
JW Norbury, TC Slaba, S Aghara, FF Badavi, SR Blattnig, MS Clowdsley, ...
Life Sciences in Space Research 22, 98-124, 2019
Comparison of the transport codes HZETRN, HETC and FLUKA for a solar particle event
JH Heinbockel, TC Slaba, SR Blattnig, RK Tripathi, LW Townsend, ...
Advances in Space Research 47 (6), 1079-1088, 2011
Monte Carlo analysis of pion contribution to absorbed dose from galactic cosmic rays
SK Aghara, SR Blattnig, JW Norbury, RC Singleterry
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2009
Shielding evaluation for solar particle events using MCNPX, PHITS and OLTARIS codes
SK Aghara, SI Sriprisan, RC Singleterry, T Sato
Life sciences in space research 4, 79-91, 2015
Mitigating the effects of the space radiation environment: a novel approach of using graded-z materials
W Atwell, K Rojdev, S Aghara, S Sriprisan
AIAA SPACE 2013 conference and exposition, 5385, 2013
Synthesis of 4-acylpyrazolone Schiff base ligand grafted silica and selectivity in adsorption of lanthanides from aqueous solutions
AS Amarasekara, OS Owereh, SK Aghara
Journal of Rare Earths 27 (5), 870-874, 2009
Characterization and quantification of an in-core neutron irradiation facility at a TRIGA II research reactor
S Aghara, W Charlton
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2006
Investigation of hydrogen content in chemically delithiated lithium-ion battery cathodes using prompt gamma activation analysis
SK Aghara, S Venkatraman, A Manthiram, E Alvarez Ii
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 265, 321-328, 2005
Comparison of radiation transport codes, HZETRN, HETC and FLUKA, using the 1956 Webber SPE Spectrum
JH Heinbockel, TC Slaba, SR Blattnig, RK Tripathi, LW Townsend, ...
Synthesis of functionalized polysiloxane 4-acylpyrazolone Schiff base ligand system and its applications in the adsorption of lanthanide ions from aqueous solutions
AS Amarasekara, OS Owereh, SK Aghara
Journal of sol-gel science and technology 52, 382-387, 2009
A conformal coating for shielding against naturally occurring thermal neutrons
JP Spratt, S Aghara, B Fu, JD Lichtenhan, R Leadon
IEEE transactions on nuclear science 52 (6), 2340-2344, 2005
Feasibility study of a proliferation-resistant fuel form for plutonium recycling
SK Aghara, CA Beard
Nuclear technology 137 (1), 1-9, 2002
Nuclear security and safeguards considerations for novel advanced reactors
R Peel, G Foster, S Aghara
King’s College London, London, UK, 2022
Comparison of a tissue equivalent and a silicon equivalent proportional counter microdosimeter to high-energy proton and neutron fields
B Gersey, S Aghara, R Wilkins, J Wedeking, RC Dwivedi
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 54 (6), 2276-2281, 2007
Background characterization of The University of Texas PGAA facility
S Biegalski, T Green, E Alvarez, S Aghara
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 271 (2), 413-417, 2007
Proliferation Resistance Assessment Method for Analyzing ATW Fuel Cycles
WS Charlton, RF LeBouf, S Aghara
ANS meeting, San Diego, 2003
Degradation of commercially available DAC ICs in a mixed-radiation environment
S Aghara, RJ Fink, WS Charlton, B Bhuva, MR Samadi, JA Ochoa, ...
2003 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 34-37, 2003
Characterization of an in-core irradiator for testing of microelectronics in a mixed radiation environment
SK Aghara
The University of Texas at Austin, 2003
Application of an adaptive time step scheme for solving the time-dependent discrete ordinates transport equation
J Boffie, SK Aghara, JM Pounders
Nuclear Engineering and Design 363, 110620, 2020
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Articles 1–20