Panayiota Stavroussi
Panayiota Stavroussi
Associate Professor, University of Thessaly, Department of Special Education
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Adaptation of the Students' Motivation towards Science Learning (SMTSL) questionnaire in the Greek language
I Dermitzaki, P Stavroussi, D Vavougios, KT Kotsis
European journal of psychology of education 28, 747-766, 2013
Special teachers’ educational responses in supporting students with special educational needs (SEN) in the domain of social skills development
A Vlachou, P Stavroussi, E Didaskalou
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 63 (1), 79-97, 2016
Effectiveness of integration and re-integration into work strategies for persons with chronic conditions: a systematic review of European strategies
C Sabariego, M Coenen, E Ito, K Fheodoroff, C Scaratti, M Leonardi, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (3), 552, 2018
Science education and students with intellectual disability: Teaching approaches and implications
P Stavroussi, PF Papalexopoulos, D Vavougios
Problems of Education in the 21st Century 19, 103, 2010
Mapping European welfare models: state of the art of strategies for professional integration and reintegration of persons with chronic diseases
C Scaratti, M Leonardi, F Silvaggi, CC Ávila, A Muñoz-Murillo, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (4), 781, 2018
Promoting social inclusion: a structured intervention for enhancing interpersonal problem‐solving skills in children with mild intellectual disabilities
A Vlachou, P Stavroussi
Support for Learning 31 (1), 27-45, 2016
Verbal fluency and verbal short-term memory in adults with Down syndrome and unspecified intellectual disability
P Stavroussi, G Andreou, D Karagiannopoulou
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 63 (1), 122-139, 2016
Investigating ongoing strategic behaviour of students with mild mental retardation: implementation and relations to performance in a problem-solving situation
I Dermitzaki, P Stavroussi, M Bandi, I Nisiotou
Evaluation & Research in Education 21 (2), 96-110, 2008
Are teachers’ democratic beliefs about classroom life associated with their perceptions of inclusive education?
P Stavroussi, E Didaskalou, J Greif Green
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 68 (5), 627-642, 2021
Policy guidelines for effective inclusion and reintegration of people with chronic diseases in the workplace: national and european perspectives
A Vlachou, P Stavroussi, O Roka, E Vasilou, D Papadimitriou, C Scaratti, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (3), 493, 2018
Quality of life and vocational education service quality in students with intellectual disability
I Georgiadou, A Vlachou, P Stavroussi
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities 68 (5), 681-691, 2022
Development of the “special-vocational-education-service-quality scale” Listening to the voices of students with intellectual disability
I Georgiadou, A Vlachou, P Stavroussi
Quality Assurance in Education 28 (2), 89-103, 2020
Experiences of workers with disabilities receiving supported employment services in Greece
A Vlachou, O Roka, P Stavroussi
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 25 (2), 151-167, 2021
Problem-solving training: an intervention program for enhancing interpersonal problem-solving skills in children with intellectual disabilities
A Vlachou, P Stavroussi, E Didaskalou
Hellenic Journal of Psychology 14 (2), 114-138, 2017
Multiple intelligences of typical readers and dyslexic adolescences
E Andreou, F Vlachos, P Stavroussi
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development 1 (2), 61-72, 2013
On the concept of comparison in mentally retarded and nonretarded children
D Natsopoulos, P Stavroussi, A Alevriadou
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 27, 321-337, 1998
Defining, identifying and assessing social and personal skills difficulties of students with special educational needs: The special education teachers’ perspectives
E Didaskalou, A Vlachou, P Stavrousi
Innovative Practice and Interventions for Children and Adolescents with …, 2015
Εκπαίδευση και νοητική καθυστέρηση: Πρακτικές και προκλήσεις
Π Σταυρούση
Η Ειδική Αγωγή στην κοινωνία της γνώσης, 1ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Ειδικής …, 2007
An examination of language and nonverbal abilities in twins with Apert syndrome
P Stavroussi, F Vlachos, A Pisina
International Journal on Disability and Human Development 15 (1), 63-68, 2016
Social problem solving in children with Down syndrome: Preliminary investigation of children’s response patterns
P Stavroussi, I Dermitzaki, A Miliadou
ICERI2010 Proceedings, 5487-5494, 2010
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Articles 1–20