Christos M Dimitrakopoulos
Christos M Dimitrakopoulos
D-BSSE - ETH Zurich
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Cited by
Network-based integration of multi-omics data for prioritizing cancer genes
C Dimitrakopoulos, SK Hindupur, L Häfliger, J Behr, H Montazeri, MN Hall, ...
Bioinformatics 34 (14), 2441-2448, 2018
Computational approaches for the identification of cancer genes and pathways
CM Dimitrakopoulos, N Beerenwinkel
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine 9 (1), e1364, 2017
Predicting protein complexes from weighted protein–protein interaction graphs with a novel unsupervised methodology: evolutionary enhanced Markov clustering
K Theofilatos, N Pavlopoulou, C Papasavvas, S Likothanassis, ...
Artificial intelligence in medicine 63 (3), 181-189, 2015
Identification and validation of a biomarker signature in patients with resectable pancreatic cancer via genome-wide screening for functional genetic variants
C Dimitrakopoulos, B Vrugt, R Flury, P Schraml, U Knippschild, P Wild, ...
JAMA surgery 154 (6), e190484-e190484, 2019
Computational approaches for the prediction of protein-protein interactions: a survey
K A Theofilatos, C M Dimitrakopoulos, A K Tsakalidis, S D Likothanassis, ...
Current Bioinformatics 6 (4), 398-414, 2011
Ectopic expression of Msx2 in mammalian myotubes recapitulates aspects of amphibian muscle dedifferentiation
A Yilmaz, R Engeler, S Constantinescu, KD Kokkaliaris, ...
Stem cell research 15 (3), 542-553, 2015
Multi-omics data integration reveals novel drug targets in hepatocellular carcinoma
C Dimitrakopoulos, SK Hindupur, M Colombi, D Liko, CKY Ng, ...
BMC genomics 22, 1-26, 2021
Scale-space measures for graph topology link protein network architecture to function
M Hulsman, C Dimitrakopoulos, J de Ridder
Bioinformatics 30 (12), i237-i245, 2014
Predicting overlapping protein complexes from weighted protein interaction graphs by gradually expanding dense neighborhoods
C Dimitrakopoulos, K Theofilatos, A Pegkas, S Likothanassis, S Mavroudi
Artificial intelligence in medicine 71, 62-69, 2016
The Human Interactome Knowledge Base (HINT-KB): an integrative human protein interaction database enriched with predicted protein–protein interaction scores using a novel …
K Theofilatos, C Dimitrakopoulos, S Likothanassis, D Kleftogiannis, ...
Artificial Intelligence Review 42, 427-443, 2014
A new hybrid method for predicting protein interactions using Genetic Algorithms and Extended Kalman Filters
KA Theofilatos, CM Dimitrakopoulos, AK Tsakalidis, SD Likothanassis, ...
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Information …, 2010
Efficient computational construction of weighted protein-protein interaction networks using adaptive filtering techniques combined with natural selection-based heuristic algorithms
CM Dimitrakopoulos, KA Theofilatos, EF Georgopoulos, S Likothanassis, ...
Bioinformatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 1237-1251, 2013
Efficient computational prediction and scoring of human protein-Protein interactions using a novel gene expression programming methodology
K Theofilatos, C Dimitrakopoulos, M Antoniou, E Georgopoulos, ...
Engineering Applications of Neural Networks: 13th International Conference …, 2012
InSyBio BioNets: an efficient tool for network-based biomarker discovery
K Theofilatos, C Dimitrakopoulos, C Alexakos, A Korfiati, S Likothanassis, ...
EMBnet. journal 22, 871, 2016
Mining Student learning behavior and self-assessment for adaptive learning management system
K Moutafi, P Vergeti, C Alexakos, C Dimitrakopoulos, K Giotopoulos, ...
Engineering Applications of Neural Networks: 14th International Conference …, 2013
HINT-KB: The human interactome knowledge base
K Theofilatos, C Dimitrakopoulos, D Kleftogiannis, C Moschopoulos, ...
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: AIAI 2012 …, 2012
Generalized computational framework and system for integrative prediction of biomarkers
K Theofilatos, C Alexakos, A Korfiati, C Dimitrakopoulos, S Mavroudi
US Patent App. 15/837,407, 2018
Enhanced Weighted Restricted Neighborhood Search Clustering: A Novel Algorithm for Detecting Human Protein Complexes from Weighted Protein-Protein Interaction Graphs
C Dimitrakopoulos, K Theofilatos, A Pegkas, S Likothanassis, S Mavroudi
Engineering Applications of Neural Networks: 14th International Conference …, 2013
Protein functional and sub-cellular annotation in a proteome
K Theofilatos, C Dimitrakopoulos, S Mavroudi, A Korfiati, C Alexakos
US Patent App. 15/361,461, 2017
Adaptive filtering on forecasting financial derivatives indices
C Dimitrakopoulos, A Karathanasopoulos, G Sermpinis, S Likothanassis
Computational Intelligence Techniques for Trading and Investment, 66-78, 2014
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Articles 1–20