Luciano Bosso
Luciano Bosso
Institute for Agriculture and Forestry Systems in the Mediterranean - National Research Council
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Novel perspectives on bat insectivory highlight the value of this ecosystem service in farmland: Research frontiers and management implications
D Russo, L Bosso, L Ancillotto
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 266, 31-38, 2018
Shedding light on the effects of climate change on the potential distribution of Xylella fastidiosa in the Mediterranean basin
L Bosso, M Di Febbraro, G Cristinzio, A Zoina, D Russo
Biological Invasions 18 (6), 1759-1768, 2016
Modelling geographic distribution and detecting conservation gaps in Italy for the threatened beetle Rosalia alpina
L Bosso, H Rebelo, AP Garonna, D Russo
Journal for nature conservation 21 (2), 72-80, 2013
Habitat suitability and movement corridors of grey wolf (Canis lupus) in Northern Pakistan
M Kabir, S Hameed, H Ali, L Bosso, JU Din, R Bischof, S Redpath, ...
PloS one 12 (11), e0187027, 2017
Modelling current and future potential distributions of two desert jerboas under climate change in Iran
S Mohammadi, E Ebrahimi, MS Moghadam, L Bosso
Ecological Informatics 52, 7-13, 2019
Modelling risks posed by wind turbines and power lines to soaring birds: the black stork (Ciconia nigra) in Italy as a case study
S Smeraldo, L Bosso, M Fraissinet, L Bordignon, M Brunelli, L Ancillotto, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 29, 1959-1976, 2020
A comprehensive overview of bacteria and fungi used for pentachlorophenol biodegradation
L Bosso, G Cristinzio
Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology 13, 387-427, 2014
Ignoring seasonal changes in the ecological niche of non-migratory species may lead to biases in potential distribution models: lessons from bats
S Smeraldo, M Di Febbraro, L Bosso, C Flaquer, D Guixé, F Lisón, ...
Biodiversity and conservation 27, 2425-2441, 2018
Predicting current and future disease outbreaks of Diplodia sapinea shoot blight in Italy: species distribution models as a tool for forest management planning
L Bosso, N Luchi, G Maresi, G Cristinzio, S Smeraldo, D Russo
Forest Ecology and Management 400, 655-664, 2017
From Nucleotides to Satellite Imagery: Approaches to Identify and Manage the Invasive Pathogen Xylella fastidiosa and Its Insect Vectors in Europe
F Raffini, G Bertorelle, R Biello, G D’Urso, D Russo, L Bosso
Sustainability 12 (11), 4508, 2020
Potential distribution of Xylella fastidiosa in Italy: a maximum entropy model
L Bosso, D Russo, M Di Febbraro, G Cristinzio, A Zoina
Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 62-72, 2016
The importance of ponds for the conservation of bats in urban landscapes
L Ancillotto, L Bosso, VB Salinas-Ramos, D Russo
Landscape and Urban Planning 190, 103607, 2019
Generalists yet different: Distributional responses to climate change may vary in opportunistic bat species sharing similar ecological traits
S Smeraldo, L Bosso, VB Salinas‐Ramos, L Ancillotto, ...
Mammal Review 51 (4), 571-584, 2021
Nature protection areas of Europe are insufficient to preserve the threatened beetle Rosalia alpina (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): evidence from species distribution …
L Bosso, S Smeraldo, P Rapuzzi, G Sama, AP Garonna, D Russo
Ecological Entomology 43 (2), 192-203, 2018
Species distribution models as a tool to predict range expansion after reintroduction: A case study on Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber)
S Smeraldo, M Di Febbraro, D Ćirović, L Bosso, I Trbojević, D Russo
Journal for Nature Conservation 37, 12-20, 2017
Loss of potential bat habitat following a severe wildfire: a model-based rapid assessment
L Bosso, L Ancillotto, S Smeraldo, S D’Arco, A Migliozzi, P Conti, D Russo
International Journal of Wildland Fire 27 (11), 756-769, 2018
Do we need to use bats as bioindicators?
D Russo, VB Salinas-Ramos, L Cistrone, S Smeraldo, L Bosso, ...
Biology 10 (8), 693, 2021
Spatially explicit models as tools for implementing effective management strategies for invasive alien mammals
S Bertolino, C Sciandra, L Bosso, D Russo, PWW Lurz, M Di Febbraro
Mammal Review 50 (2), 187-199, 2020
Expanding or shrinking? range shifts in wild ungulates under climate change in Pamir-Karakoram mountains, Pakistan
H Ali, JU Din, L Bosso, S Hameed, M Kabir, M Younas, MA Nawaz
PloS one 16 (12), e0260031, 2021
Interspecific competition in bats: state of knowledge and research challenges
VB Salinas‐Ramos, L Ancillotto, L Bosso, V Sánchez‐Cordero, D Russo
Mammal Review 50 (1), 68-81, 2020
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Articles 1–20