Dimitris Gouscos
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Cited by
A general model of performance and quality for one-stop e-government service offerings
D Gouscos, M Kalikakis, M Legal, S Papadopoulou
Government Information Quarterly 24 (4), 860-885, 2007
Revisiting public information management for effective e‐government services
D Stamoulis, D Gouscos, P Georgiadis, D Martakos
Information Management & Computer Security 9 (4), 146-153, 2001
An approach to modeling web service QoS and provision price
D Gouscos, M Kalikakis, P Georgiadis
Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering …, 2003
HCI, solidarity movements and the solidarity economy
V Vlachokyriakos, C Crivellaro, P Wright, E Karamagioli, ER Staiou, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2017
Planning and implementing e-government service delivery: achievements and learnings from on-line taxation in Greece
D Gouscos, G Mentzas, P Georgiadis
8th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 8-10, 2001
An approach to offering one-stop e-government services—Available technologies and architectural issues
D Gouscos, G Laskaridis, D Lioulias, G Mentzas, P Georgiadis
Electronic Government: First International Conference, EGOV 2002 Aix-en …, 2002
eParticipation in the EU: Re-focusing on social media and young citizens for reinforcing European identity
D Karantzeni, D G. Gouscos
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 7 (4), 477-500, 2013
Digital games-based learning for students with intellectual disability
M Saridaki, D Gouscos, MG Meimaris
Games-Based Learning Advancements for Multi-Sensory Human Computer …, 2009
PASSPORT: A novel architectural model for the provision of seamless cross-border e-government services
D Gouscos, G Mentzas, P Georgiadis
12th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 318-322, 2001
Instructional strategies to promote conceptual change about force and motion: A review of the literature
M Tomara, V Tselfes, D Gouscos
Themes in Science and Technology Education 10 (1), 1-16, 2017
E-Parliaments and novel parliament-to-citizen services
A Papaloi, D Gouscos
JeDEM-eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government 3 (1), 80-98, 2011
A case study: visualizing coulomb forces with the aid of augmented reality
M Tomara, D Gouscos
Journal of Educational Computing Research 57 (7), 1626-1642, 2019
Blending social media with parliamentary websites: Just a trend, or a promising approach to e-participation?
A Papaloi, ER Staiou, D Gouscos
Web 2.0 Technologies and Democratic Governance: Political, Policy and …, 2012
Parliamentary Information Visualization as a Means for Legislative Transparency and Citizen Empowerment?
A Papaloi, D Gouscos
JeDEM-eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government 5 (2), 174-186, 2013
A methodological approach for defining one-stop e-government service offerings
D Gouscos, M Lambrou, G Mentzas, P Georgiadis
Electronic Government: Second International Conference, EGOV 2003, Prague …, 2003
Socializing E-governance: A parallel study of participatory E-governance and emerging social media
ER Staiou, D Gouscos
Comparative E-Government, 543-559, 2010
From introvert IT Systems to Extrovert e-Services: e-Government as an enabler for e-citizens and e-business. A framework of principles
D Gouscos, P Georgiadis, T Sagris
Electronic Business and Electronic Work 2000 Conference, eBusiness and eWork …, 2000
Exploring the impact of freeform gameplay on players' experience: an experiment with maze games at varying levels of freedom of movement.
S Kirginas, D Gouscos
International Journal of Serious Games 4 (4), 2017
Can open-government models contribute to more collaborative ways of governance? An assessment of the Greek OpenGov initiative
E Karamagioli, ER Staiou, D Gouscos
Open Government: Opportunities and Challenges for Public Governance, 37-50, 2014
A proposed architecture for mobile government transactions
D Gouscos, D Drossos, GF Marias
Proceedings of Euro mGov, 2005
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Articles 1–20