David C. Wheelock
David C. Wheelock
Senior Vice President and Senior Policy Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
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Cited by
Why do banks disappear? The determinants of US bank failures and acquisitions
DC Wheelock, PW Wilson
Review of Economics and Statistics 82 (1), 127-138, 2000
Technical progress, inefficiency, and productivity change in US banking, 1984-1993
DC Wheelock, PW Wilson
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 212-234, 1999
Explaining bank failures: Deposit insurance, regulation, and efficiency
DC Wheelock, PW Wilson
The review of economics and statistics, 689-700, 1995
Do large banks have lower costs? New estimates of returns to scale for US banks
DC Wheelock, PW Wilson
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 44 (1), 171-199, 2012
Can the term spread predict output growth and recessions? A survey of the literature
DC Wheelock, ME Wohar
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 91 (5 Part 1), 419-440, 2009
Why does bank performance vary across states?
MC Neely, DC Wheelock
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 27-40, 1997
Aggregate price shocks and financial instability: A historical analysis
MD Bordo, MJ Dueker, DC Wheelock
Economic Inquiry 40 (4), 521-538, 2002
Why do banks fail? Evidence from the 1920s
LJ Alston, WA Grove, DC Wheelock
Explorations in Economic History 31 (4), 409-431, 1994
New evidence on returns to scale and product mix among US commercial banks
DC Wheelock, PW Wilson
Journal of Monetary Economics 47 (3), 653-674, 2001
Evaluating the efficiency of commercial banks: does our view of what banks do matter?
DC Wheelock, P Wilson
Review 77, 1995
Price stability and financial stability: The historical record
MD Bordo, DC Wheelock
Review-Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis 80, 41-60, 1998
The strategy and consistency of Federal Reserve monetary policy, 1924–1933
DC Wheelock
Cambridge Books, 1991
Systemic risk and the financial crisis: a primer
J Bullard, CJ Neely, DC Wheelock
Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2009
The Cambridge History of Capitalism: Volume 1, The Rise of Capitalism: From Ancient Origins to 1848
L Neal, JG Williamson
Cambridge University Press, 2014
The geographic distribution and characteristics of US bank failures, 2007-2010: Do bank failures still reflect local economic conditions
CP Aubuchon, DC Wheelock
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 92 (5), 395-415, 2010
Deposit insurance and bank failures: New evidence from the 1920s
DC Wheelock
Economic inquiry 30 (3), 530-543, 1992
The federal response to home mortgage distress: Lessons from the great depression
DC Wheelock
Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2008
Measuring commercial bank profitability: Proceed with caution
RA Gilbert, DC Wheelock
Networks Financial Institute Working Paper, 22, 2007
Monetary policy and asset prices: A look back at past US stock market booms
MD Bordo, DC Wheelock
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2004
The promise and performance of the Federal Reserve as lender of last resort 1914-1933
MD Bordo, DC Wheelock
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2011
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Articles 1–20