Daniela Sangiorgi
Daniela Sangiorgi
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Design for services
A Meroni, D Sangiorgi
Routledge, 2016
Transformative services and transformation design
D Sangiorgi
International Journal of Design 5 (2), 29-40, 2011
Service design as an approach to implement the value cocreation perspective in new service development
E Yu, D Sangiorgi
Journal of Service Research 21 (1), 40-58, 2018
Design for value co-creation: Exploring synergies between design for service and service logic
K Wetter-Edman, D Sangiorgi, B Edvardsson, S Holmlid, C Grönroos, ...
Service Science 6 (2), 106-121, 2014
Building up a framework for Service Design research
D Sangiorgi
8th European Academy of Design conference, 415-420, 2009
Leveraging service design for healthcare transformation: Toward people-centered, integrated, and technology-enabled healthcare systems
L Patrício, D Sangiorgi, D Mahr, M Čaić, S Kalantari, S Sundar
Journal of Service Management 31 (5), 889-909, 2020
Service design and healthcare innovation: From consumption to co-production to co-creation
K Freire, D Sangiorgi
Proceedings of 2nd Service Design and Service Innovation conference, ServDes …, 2010
Service design and organisational change. Bridging the gap between rigour and relevance
S Junginger, D Sangiorgi
International association of societies of design research 2009, 4339-4348, 2009
Designing for Service: key issues and new directions
D Sangiorgi, A Prendiville
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017
Leveraging service design as a multidisciplinary approach to service innovation
M Prestes Joly, JG Teixeira, L Patrício, D Sangiorgi
Journal of service Management 30 (6), 681-715, 2019
Designing for public sector innovation in the UK: design strategies for paradigm shifts
D Sangiorgi
Foresight 17 (4), 332-348, 2015
Innovation through service design. From research and theory to a network of practice. A user’s driven perspective
S Maffei, B Mager, D Sangiorgi
Joining forces, 1-9, 2005
Service Design as an approach to New Service Development: reflections and future studies
D Sangiorgi, Y Eun
ServDes. 2014 Service Future; Proceedings of the fourth Service Design and …, 2014
Designing for interdependence, participation and emergence in complex service systems
D Sangiorgi, L Patrício, R Fisk
Designing for service: Key issues and new directions, 49-64, 2017
Integrating evidence-based design and experience-based approaches in healthcare service design
VL Carr, D Sangiorgi, M Büscher, S Junginger, R Cooper
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal 4 (4), 12-33, 2011
Service design research pioneers. An overview of service design research developed in Italy since the ‘90s
D Sangiorgi, E Pacenti
Design Research Journal 1 (10), 26-33, 2010
Exploring the transformative impacts of service design: The role of designer–client relationships in the service development process
E Yu, D Sangiorgi
Design Studies 55, 79-111, 2018
A theoretical framework for studying service design practices: First steps to a mature field
D Sangiorgi, A Prendiville
Design Management Journal 9 (1), 61-73, 2015
Service system transformation through service design: Linking analytical dimensions and service design approaches
K Koskela-Huotari, L Patrício, J Zhang, IO Karpen, D Sangiorgi, ...
Journal of Business Research 136, 343-355, 2021
Emerging issues in service design
D Sangiorgi, S Junginger
The Design Journal 18 (2), 165-170, 2015
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