Sofie Spatharis
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Effects of pulsed nutrient inputs on phytoplankton assemblage structure and blooms in an enclosed coastal area
S Spatharis, G Tsirtsis, DB Danielidis, T Do Chi, D Mouillot
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 73 (3-4), 807-815, 2007
Alternatives to taxonomic-based approaches to assess changes in transitional water communities
D Mouillot, S Spatharis, S Reizopoulou, T Laugier, L Sabetta, A Basset, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 16 (5), 469-482, 2006
Ecological quality scales based on phytoplankton for the implementation of Water Framework Directive in the Eastern Mediterranean
S Spatharis, G Tsirtsis
Ecological Indicators 10 (4), 840-847, 2010
Recurrent Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha (Bacillariophyceae) and Alexandrium insuetum (Dinophyceae) winter blooms induced by agricultural runoff
S Spatharis, DB Danielidis, G Tsirtsis
Harmful Algae 6 (6), 811-822, 2007
Environmental DNA: A new low-cost monitoring tool for pathogens in salmonid aquaculture
L Peters, S Spatharis, MA Dario, T Dwyer, IJT Roca, A Kintner, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 3009, 2018
Analyzing the (mis) behavior of Shannon index in eutrophication studies using field and simulated phytoplankton assemblages
S Spatharis, DL Roelke, PG Dimitrakopoulos, GD Kokkoris
Ecological indicators 11 (2), 697-703, 2011
Dynamics of potentially harmful microalgae in a confined Mediterranean Gulf—Assessing the risk of bloom formation
S Spatharis, NP Dolapsakis, A Economou-Amilli, G Tsirtsis, DB Danielidis
Harmful algae 8 (5), 736-743, 2009
Consistency of diel behaviour and interactions of stream fishes and invertebrates during summer
GH Copp, S Spathari, M Turmel
River Research and Applications 21 (1), 75-90, 2005
Lumpy species coexistence arises robustly in fluctuating resource environments
A Sakavara, G Tsirtsis, DL Roelke, R Mancy, S Spatharis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (4), 738-743, 2018
Phytoplankton succession in recurrently fluctuating environments
DL Roelke, S Spatharis
PLoS One 10 (3), e0121392, 2015
Effects of microplastics on bivalves: Are experimental settings reflecting conditions in the field?
E Baroja, E Christoforou, J Lindström, S Spatharis
Marine Pollution Bulletin 171, 112696, 2021
Temporal phosphate gradients reveal diverse acclimation responses in phytoplankton phosphate uptake
C Cįceres, S Spatharis, E Kaiserli, E Smeti, H Flowers, JA Bonachela
The ISME journal 13 (11), 2834-2845, 2019
Nitrogen as the main driver of benthic diatom composition and diversity in oligotrophic coastal systems
S Kafouris, E Smeti, S Spatharis, G Tsirtsis, A Economou-Amilli, ...
Science of the Total Environment 694, 133773, 2019
Influence of terrestrial runoff on phytoplankton species richness-biomass relationships: A double stress hypothesis
S Spatharis, D Mouillot, DB Danielidis, M Karydis, T Do Chi, G Tsirtsis
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 362 (1), 55-62, 2008
Widespread extinction debts and colonization credits in United States breeding bird communities
Y Haddou, R Mancy, J Matthiopoulos, S Spatharis, DM Dominoni
Nature ecology & evolution 6 (3), 324-331, 2022
Wavelength-dependent effects of artificial light at night on phytoplankton growth and community structure
C Diamantopoulou, E Christoforou, DM Dominoni, E Kaiserli, J Czyzewski, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1953), 20210525, 2021
First record of a Trichodesmium erythraeum bloom in the Mediterranean Sea
S Spatharis, N Skliris, A Meziti, KA Kormas
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 69 (8), 1444-1455, 2012
Effects of long-term exposure to microfibers on ecosystem services provided by coastal mussels
E Christoforou, DM Dominoni, J Lindström, G Stilo, S Spatharis
Environmental Pollution 266, 115184, 2020
Assessing the efficiency of clustering algorithms and goodness-of-fit measures using phytoplankton field data
A Carteron, M Jeanmougin, F Leprieur, S Spatharis
Ecological Informatics 9, 64-68, 2012
Assembly processes in upper subtidal macroalgae: the effect of wave exposure
S Spatharis, S Orfanidis, P Panayotidis, G Tsirtsis
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 91 (2), 298-305, 2011
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Articles 1–20