Taeyoung Lee
Taeyoung Lee
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, George Washington University
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Geometric tracking control of a quadrotor UAV on SE (3)
T Lee, M Leok, NH McClamroch
49th IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC), 5420-5425, 2010
Nonlinear robust tracking control of a quadrotor UAV on SE (3)
T Lee, M Leok, NH McClamroch
Asian journal of control 15 (2), 391-408, 2013
Nonlinear adaptive flight control using backstepping and neural networks controller
T Lee, Y Kim
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 24 (4), 675-682, 2001
Geometric control and differential flatness of a quadrotor UAV with a cable-suspended load
K Sreenath, T Lee, V Kumar
52nd IEEE conference on decision and control, 2269-2274, 2013
Geometric control of quadrotor UAVs transporting a cable-suspended rigid body
T Lee
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 26 (1), 255-264, 2017
Robust Adaptive Attitude Tracking onWith an Application to a Quadrotor UAV
T Lee
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 21 (5), 1924-1930, 2012
Exponential stability of an attitude tracking control system on SO (3) for large-angle rotational maneuvers
T Lee
Systems & Control Letters 61 (1), 231-237, 2012
Geometric nonlinear PID control of a quadrotor UAV on SE (3)
F Goodarzi, D Lee, T Lee
2013 European control conference (ECC), 3845-3850, 2013
Geometric control of cooperating multiple quadrotor UAVs with a suspended payload
T Lee, K Sreenath, V Kumar
52nd IEEE conference on decision and control, 5510-5515, 2013
Adaptive control of a quadrotor UAV transporting a cable-suspended load with unknown mass
S Dai, T Lee, DS Bernstein
53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 6149-6154, 2014
Geometric control of a quadrotor UAV transporting a payload connected via flexible cable
FA Goodarzi, D Lee, T Lee
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 13, 1486-1498, 2015
Global Exponential Attitude Tracking Controls on
T Lee
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (10), 2837-2842, 2015
Lie group variational integrators for the full body problem
T Lee, M Leok, NH McClamroch
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 196 (29-30), 2907-2924, 2007
A Lie group variational integrator for the attitude dynamics of a rigid body with applications to the 3D pendulum
T Lee, NH McClamroch, M Leok
Proceedings of 2005 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, 2005. CCA 2005 …, 2005
Control of complex maneuvers for a quadrotor UAV using geometric methods on SE (3)
T Lee, M Leok, NH McClamroch
arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.2005, 2010
Geometric stabilization of a quadrotor UAV with a payload connected by flexible cable
FA Goodarzi, D Lee, T Lee
2014 American Control Conference, 4925-4930, 2014
Global formulations of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics on manifolds
T Lee, M Leok, NH McClamroch
Springer International Publishing, 2018
Lie group variational integrators for the full body problem in orbital mechanics
T Lee, M Leok, NH McClamroch
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 98, 121-144, 2007
Robust adaptive geometric tracking controls on SO (3) with an application to the attitude dynamics of a quadrotor UAV
T Fernando, J Chandiramani, T Lee, H Gutierrez
2011 50th IEEE conference on decision and control and European control …, 2011
Geometric tracking control of the attitude dynamics of a rigid body on SO (3)
T Lee
Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference, 1200-1205, 2011
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Articles 1–20