George Vergos
George Vergos
Professor, GravLab, Department of Geodesy and Surveying, Aristotle University of
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Colorado geoid computation experiment: overview and summary
YM Wang, L Sánchez, J Ågren, J Huang, R Forsberg, HA Abd-Elmotaal, ...
Journal of Geodesy 95, 1-21, 2021
Investigation of topographic reductions and aliasing effects on gravity and the geoid over Greece based on various digital terrain models
IN Tziavos, GS Vergos, VN Grigoriadis
Surveys in geophysics 31, 23-67, 2010
Strategy for the realisation of the International Height Reference System (IHRS)
L Sánchez, J Ågren, J Huang, YM Wang, J Mäkinen, R Pail, R Barzaghi, ...
Journal of Geodesy 95 (3), 1-33, 2021
Statistical models and latest results in the determination of the absolute bias for the radar altimeters of Jason satellites using the Gavdos facility
SP Mertikas, RT Ioannides, IN Tziavos, GS Vergos, W Hausleitner, ...
Marine Geodesy 33 (S1), 114-149, 2010
On the determination of marine geoid models by least-squares collocation and spectral methods using heterogeneous data
GS Vergos, IN Tziavos, VD Andritsanos
A Window on the Future of Geodesy: Proceedings of the International …, 2005
Gravity data base generation and geoid model estimation using heterogeneous data
GS Vergos, IN Tziavos, VD Andritsanos
Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions: GGSM 2004 IAG International Symposium …, 2005
Geoid and high resolution sea surface topography modelling in the mediterranean from gravimetry, altimetry and GOCE data: evaluation by simulation
R Barzaghi, N Tselfes, IN Tziavos, GS Vergos
Journal of Geodesy 83, 751-772, 2009
Use of MODIS satellite images for detailed lake morphometry: Application to basins with large water level fluctuations
G Ovakoglou, TK Alexandridis, TL Crisman, C Skoulikaris, GS Vergos
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 51, 37-46, 2016
Fifteen years of Cal/Val service to reference altimetry missions: Calibration of satellite altimetry at the Permanent Facilities in Gavdos and Crete, Greece
SP Mertikas, C Donlon, P Féménias, C Mavrocordatos, D Galanakis, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (10), 1557, 2018
The ESA Permanent Facility for altimetry calibration: Monitoring performance of radar altimeters for Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-3B and Jason-3 using transponder and sea-surface …
S Mertikas, A Tripolitsiotis, C Donlon, C Mavrocordatos, P Féménias, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (16), 2642, 2020
Evaluation of GOCE/GRACE Global Geopotential Models over Greece with collocated GPS/Levelling observations and local gravity data
GS Vergos, VN Grigoriadis, IN Tziavos, C Kotsakis
Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems: Proceedings of the IAG Symposium GGHS2012 …, 2014
Collocation and FFT-based geoid estimation within the Colorado 1 cm geoid experiment
VN Grigoriadis, GS Vergos, R Barzaghi, D Carrion, Ö Koç
Journal of Geodesy 95, 1-18, 2021
GEOMED2: high-resolution geoid of the mediterranean
R Barzaghi, D Carrion, GS Vergos, IN Tziavos, VN Grigoriadis, ...
International Symposium on Advancing Geodesy in a Changing World …, 2019
Preliminary results of GOCE-based height system unification between Greece and Turkey over marine and land areas
GS Vergos, B Erol, DA Natsiopoulos, VN Grigoriadis, MS Işık, IN Tziavos
Acta Geodaetica Et Geophysica 53, 61-79, 2018
First preliminary results for the absolute calibration of the Chinese HY-2 altimetric mission using the CRS1 calibration facilities in West Crete, Greece
SP Mertikas, X Zhou, F Qiao, A Daskalakis, M Lin, H Peng, IN Tziavos, ...
Advances in space research 57 (1), 78-95, 2016
The contribution of local gravimetric geoid models to the calibration of satellite altimetry data and an outlook of the latest GOCE GGM performance in GAVDOS
IN Tziavos, GS Vergos, SP Mertikas, A Daskalakis, VN Grigoriadis, ...
Advances in Space Research 51 (8), 1502-1522, 2013
Estimation of the reference geopotential value for the local vertical datum of continental Greece using EGM08 and GPS/leveling data
VN Grigoriadis, C Kotsakis, IN Tziavos, GS Vergos
Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems: Proceedings of the IAG Symposium GGHS2012 …, 2014
Sea surface topography, bathymetry and marine gravity field modelling.
GS Vergos
Validation of GOCE/GRACE satellite only and combined global geopotential models over Greece in the frame of the GOCESeaComb project
IN Tziavos, GS Vergos, VN Grigoriadis, EA Tzanou, DA Natsiopoulos
IAG 150 Years: Proceedings of the IAG Scientific Assembly in Postdam …, 2016
Adjustment of collocated GPS, geoid and orthometric height observations in Greece. Geoid or orthometric height improvement?
IN Tziavos, GS Vergos, VN Grigoriadis, VD Andritsanos
Geodesy for Planet Earth: Proceedings of the 2009 IAG Symposium, Buenos …, 2012
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Articles 1–20