Ryan T. Armstrong
Cited by
Cited by
From connected pathway flow to ganglion dynamics
M Rücker, S Berg, RT Armstrong, A Georgiadis, H Ott, A Schwing, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (10), 3888-3894, 2015
Porosity and permeability characterization of coal: a micro-computed tomography study
HL Ramandi, P Mostaghimi, RT Armstrong, M Saadatfar, WV Pinczewski
International Journal of Coal Geology 154, 57-68, 2016
Beyond Darcy's law: The role of phase topology and ganglion dynamics for two-fluid flow
RT Armstrong, JE McClure, MA Berrill, M Rücker, S Schlüter, S Berg
Physical Review E 94 (4), 043113, 2016
Linking pore-scale interfacial curvature to column-scale capillary pressure
RT Armstrong, ML Porter, D Wildenschild
Advances in Water resources 46, 55-62, 2012
Interfacial velocities and capillary pressure gradients during Haines jumps
RT Armstrong, S Berg
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (4 …, 2013
Pore‐scale displacement mechanisms as a source of hysteresis for two‐phase flow in porous media
S Schlüter, S Berg, M Rücker, RT Armstrong, HJ Vogel, R Hilfer, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (3), 2194-2205, 2016
Critical capillary number: Desaturation studied with fast X‐ray computed microtomography
RT Armstrong, A Georgiadis, H Ott, D Klemin, S Berg
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (1), 55-60, 2014
Deep learning in pore scale imaging and modeling
Y Da Wang, MJ Blunt, RT Armstrong, P Mostaghimi
Earth-Science Reviews 215, 103555, 2021
Porous media characterization using Minkowski functionals: Theories, applications and future directions
RT Armstrong, JE McClure, V Robins, Z Liu, CH Arns, S Schlüter, S Berg
Transport in Porous Media 130, 305-335, 2019
Cleat-scale characterisation of coal: An overview
P Mostaghimi, RT Armstrong, A Gerami, Y Hu, Y Jing, F Kamali, M Liu, ...
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 39, 143-160, 2017
Fast X-ray micro-tomography of multiphase flow in berea sandstone: A sensitivity study on image processing
L Leu, S Berg, F Enzmann, RT Armstrong, M Kersten
Transport in Porous Media 105 (2), 451-469, 2014
Machine learning for predicting properties of porous media from 2d X-ray images
N Alqahtani, F Alzubaidi, RT Armstrong, P Swietojanski, P Mostaghimi
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 184, 106514, 2020
Connected pathway relative permeability from pore-scale imaging of imbibition
S Berg, M Rücker, H Ott, A Georgiadis, H Van der Linde, F Enzmann, ...
Advances in Water Resources 90, 24-35, 2016
Automated lithology classification from drill core images using convolutional neural networks
F Alzubaidi, P Mostaghimi, P Swietojanski, SR Clark, RT Armstrong
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 197, 107933, 2021
Enhancing resolution of digital rock images with super resolution convolutional neural networks
Y Da Wang, RT Armstrong, P Mostaghimi
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 182, 106261, 2019
Modeling the velocity field during Haines jumps in porous media
RT Armstrong, N Evseev, D Koroteev, S Berg
Advances in Water Resources 77, 57-68, 2015
In-situ hydrogen wettability characterisation for underground hydrogen storage
S Higgs, Y Da Wang, C Sun, J Ennis-King, SJ Jackson, RT Armstrong, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (26), 13062-13075, 2022
Coal cleat reconstruction using micro-computed tomography imaging
Y Jing, RT Armstrong, HL Ramandi, P Mostaghimi
Fuel 181, 286-299, 2016
Geometric state function for two-fluid flow in porous media
JE McClure, RT Armstrong, MA Berrill, S Schlüter, S Berg, WG Gray, ...
Physical Review Fluids 3 (8), 084306, 2018
Rough-walled discrete fracture network modelling for coal characterisation
Y Jing, RT Armstrong, P Mostaghimi
Fuel 191, 442-453, 2017
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Articles 1–20