Yong Rui, Fellow of ACM, IEEE, AAAS, IAPR, SPIE
Yong Rui, Fellow of ACM, IEEE, AAAS, IAPR, SPIE
Lenovo Research and previously Microsoft Research
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Cited by
Image retrieval: Current techniques, promising directions, and open issues
Y Rui, TS Huang, SF Chang
Journal of visual communication and image representation 10 (1), 39-62, 1999
Relevance feedback: a power tool for interactive content-based image retrieval
Y Rui, TS Huang, M Ortega, S Mehrotra
IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 8 (5), 644-655, 1998
Msr-vtt: A large video description dataset for bridging video and language
J Xu, T Mei, T Yao, Y Rui
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016
Content-based image retrieval with relevance feedback in MARS
Y Rui, TS Huang, S Mehrotra
Proceedings of international conference on image processing 2, 815-818, 1997
Adaptive key frame extraction using unsupervised clustering
Y Zhuang, Y Rui, TS Huang, S Mehrotra
Proceedings 1998 international conference on image processing. icip98 (cat …, 1998
Automatically extracting highlights for TV baseball programs
Y Rui, A Gupta, A Acero
Proceedings of the eighth ACM international conference on Multimedia, 105-115, 2000
GeoMF: joint geographical modeling and matrix factorization for point-of-interest recommendation
D Lian, C Zhao, X Xie, G Sun, E Chen, Y Rui
Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2014
Jointly modeling embedding and translation to bridge video and language
Y Pan, T Mei, T Yao, H Li, Y Rui
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016
Correlative multi-label video annotation
GJ Qi, XS Hua, Y Rui, J Tang, T Mei, HJ Zhang
Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 17-26, 2007
System and method for distributed meetings
R Cutler, Y Rui, A Gupta
US Patent 7,428,000, 2008
Click prediction for web image reranking using multimodal sparse coding
J Yu, Y Rui, D Tao
IEEE transactions on image processing 23 (5), 2019-2032, 2014
Optimizing learning in image retrieval
Y Rui, T Huang
Proceedings IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. CVPR …, 2000
Hierarchical deep click feature prediction for fine-grained image recognition
J Yu, M Tan, H Zhang, Y Rui, D Tao
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 44 (2), 563-578, 2019
Better proposal distributions: Object tracking using unscented particle filter
Y Rui, Y Chen
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE computer society conference on computer vision …, 2001
Learning to rank using user clicks and visual features for image retrieval
J Yu, D Tao, M Wang, Y Rui
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 45 (4), 767-779, 2014
Constructing table-of-content for videos
Y Rui, TS Huang, S Mehrotra
Multimedia systems 7, 359-368, 1999
Supporting similarity queries in MARS
M Ortega, Y Rui, K Chakrabarti, S Mehrotra, TS Huang
Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Multimedia, 403-413, 1997
A survey on food computing
W Min, S Jiang, L Liu, Y Rui, R Jain
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 52 (5), 1-36, 2019
Distributed meetings: A meeting capture and broadcasting system
R Cutler, Y Rui, A Gupta, JJ Cadiz, I Tashev, L He, A Colburn, Z Zhang, ...
Proceedings of the tenth ACM international conference on Multimedia, 503-512, 2002
Highlight detection with pairwise deep ranking for first-person video summarization
T Yao, T Mei, Y Rui
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016
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Articles 1–20