Iacopo Petrocelli
Iacopo Petrocelli
Dipartimento di Biologia, Firenze
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Competition between the native and the introduced hornets Vespa crabro and Vespa velutina: a comparison of potentially relevant life‐history traits
A Cini, F Cappa, I Petrocelli, I Pepiciello, L Bortolotti, R Cervo
Ecological Entomology 43 (3), 351-362, 2018
Evidence of immunocompetence reduction induced by cadmium exposure in honey bees (Apis mellifera)
P Polykretis, G Delfino, I Petrocelli, R Cervo, G Tanteri, G Montori, B Perito, ...
Environmental Pollution 218, 826-834, 2016
Speed and accuracy in nest-mate recognition: a hover wasp prioritizes face recognition over colony odour cues to minimize intrusion by outsiders
D Baracchi, I Petrocelli, L Chittka, G Ricciardi, S Turillazzi
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1802), 20142750, 2015
Natural biocide disrupts nestmate recognition in honeybees
F Cappa, I Petrocelli, FR Dani, L Dapporto, M Giovannini, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 3171, 2019
Facial markings in the hover wasps: quality signals and familiar recognition cues in two species of Stenogastrinae
D Baracchi, I Petrocelli, G Cusseau, L Pizzocaro, S Teseo, S Turillazzi
Animal Behaviour 85 (1), 203-212, 2013
Cuticular hydrocarbons as cues of sex and health condition in Polistes dominula wasps
L Beani, AG Bagneres, M Elia, I Petrocelli, F Cappa, MC Lorenzi
Insectes Sociaux 66, 543-553, 2019
Increased immunocompetence and network centrality of allogroomer workers suggest a link between individual and social immunity in honeybees
A Cini, A Bordoni, F Cappa, I Petrocelli, M Pitzalis, I Iovinella, FR Dani, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 8928, 2020
Antennal protein profile in honeybees: Caste and task matter more than age
I Iovinella, F Cappa, A Cini, I Petrocelli, R Cervo, S Turillazzi, FR Dani
Frontiers in Physiology 9, 748, 2018
Comparison of thermal traits of Polistes dominula and Polistes gallicus, two European paper wasps with strongly differing distribution ranges
H Kovac, H Käfer, I Petrocelli, A Stabentheiner
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 187, 277-290, 2017
Hydrocarbon rank signatures correlate with differential oophagy and dominance behaviour in Polistes dominulus foundresses
L Dapporto, C Bruschini, R Cervo, I Petrocelli, S Turillazzi
Journal of Experimental Biology 213 (3), 453-458, 2010
Female volatiles as sex attractants in the invasive population of Vespa velutina nigrithorax
F Cappa, A Cini, I Pepiciello, I Petrocelli, AF Inghilesi, G Anfora, FR Dani, ...
Journal of insect physiology 119, 103952, 2019
Incipient morphological castes in Polistes gallicus (Vespidae, Hymenoptera)
L Dapporto, I Petrocelli, S Turillazzi
Zoomorphology 130, 197-201, 2011
Visual signals of individual quality in a European solitary founding paper wasp
I Petrocelli, G Ricciardi, A Rodrigues de Souza, A Ermanni, A Ninu, ...
Ethology 121 (3), 300-307, 2015
Female body size, weight and fat storage rather than nestmateship determine male attraction in the invasive yellow-legged hornet Vespa velutina nigrithorax
F Cappa, A Cini, I Pepiciello, I Petrocelli, R Cervo
Ethology Ecology & Evolution 31 (1), 73-85, 2019
Effect of climate on strategies of nest and body temperature regulation in paper wasps, Polistes biglumis and Polistes gallicus
A Stabentheiner, JM Nagy, H Kovac, H Käfer, I Petrocelli, S Turillazzi
Scientific reports 12 (1), 3372, 2022
Subtle effect of Xenos vesparum (Xenidae, Strepsiptera) on the reproductive apparatus of its male host: Parasite or parasitoid?
L Beani, D Marchini, F Cappa, I Petrocelli, M Gottardo, F Manfredini, ...
Journal of Insect Physiology 101, 22-30, 2017
Ontogenic caste differences in the Van der Vecht organ of primitively eusocial neotropical paper wasps
AR de Souza, I Petrocelli, J Lino-Neto, EF Santos, FB Noll, S Turillazzi
PLoS One 11 (5), e0154521, 2016
The morphology of V an der V ecth's organ as a tool to measure caste dimorphism in P olistes paper wasps: a comparative approach
I Petrocelli, S Turillazzi
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 51 (4), 274-278, 2013
The respiratory metabolism of overwintering paper wasp gynes (Polistes dominula and Polistes gallicus)
H Kovac, H Käfer, I Petrocelli, A Stabentheiner
Physiological Entomology 47 (1), 62-71, 2022
Immunity of honeybee guards reflects their transition from house bees to foragers
F Cappa, I Petrocelli, A Cini, I Pepiciello, M Giovannini, AM Lazzeri, ...
Ethology Ecology & Evolution 32 (3), 289-295, 2020
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Articles 1–20