Joshua Jones
Cited by
Cited by
Detecting insider threats in a real corporate database of computer usage activity
TE Senator, HG Goldberg, A Memory, WT Young, B Rees, R Pierce, ...
Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2013
A framework for computational thinking across the curriculum
L Perković, A Settle, S Hwang, J Jones
Proceedings of the fifteenth annual conference on Innovation and technology …, 2010
Long-term changes in soft tissue height on the facial surface of dental implants
TW Oates, J West, J Jones, D Kaiser, DL Cochran
Implant dentistry 11 (3), 272-279, 2002
Colour as an aid to visual perception in early reading
JK Jones
British Journal of Educational Psychology 35 (1), 21-27, 1965
Bacula of some Neotropical bats
RE Brown, HH Genoways, JJ KNOX JONES
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 35 (3), 456-464, 1971
Using model-based reflection to guide reinforcement learning
P Ulam, A Goel, J Jones, W Murdock
Reasoning, Representation, and Learning in Computer Games 107, 2005
Bredin-Archbold-Smithsonian Biological Survey of Dominica, 6: Synopsis of Bats of the Antillean Genus Ardops
JK Jones, A Schwartz
Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 1967
Analysis of the results of the C-Fit uncemented total hip arthroplasty in young patients with hydroxyapatite or porous coating of components
RJ Sharp, ST O'Leary, M Falworth, A Cole, J Jones, RW Marshall
The Journal of arthroplasty 15 (5), 627-634, 2000
Reflection in action: Model-based self-adaptation in game playing agents
P Ulam, A Goel, J Jones
challenges in game artificial intelligence: papers from the AAAI workshop, 2004
Combining model-based meta-reasoning and reinforcement learning for adapting game-playing agents
P Ulam, J Jones, A Goel
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2008
Additional records of the stenodermine bat, Sturnira thomasi, from the Lesser Antillean island of Guadeloupe
HH Genoways, JK Jones Jr
Journal of Mammalogy 56 (4), 924-925, 1975
Perceptually grounded self-diagnosis and self-repair of domain knowledge
JK Jones, AK Goel
Knowledge-Based Systems 27, 281-301, 2012
Revised checklist of recent land mammals of Texas, with annotations
JK Jones, C Jones
Texas Journal of Science 44 (1), 53-74, 1992
Impact of lighting on bats
J Jones
English Nature leaflet, 2000
Colour Story Reading: A Research Report: an Investigation Into the Value of Phonetic Colour in Early Reading, Financed by the Department of Education and Science and Carried …
JK Jones
Nelson, 1967
Metareasoning for self-adaptation in intelligent agents
AK Goel, J Jones
Shubhomoy Das, Andrew Emmott, Jed Irvine, Jay-Yoon Lee, Danai Koutra, Christos Faloutsos, Daniel Corkill, Lisa Friedland, Amanda Gentzel, and David Jensen. Detecting insider …
TE Senator, HG Goldberg, A Memory, WT Young, B Rees, R Pierce, ...
Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2013
Metareasoning for adaptation of classification knowledge.
J Jones, AK Goel
AAMAS (2), 1145-1146, 2009
Knowledge organization and structural credit assignment
J Jones, A Goel
Reasoning, Representation, and Learning in Computer Games, 37, 2005
Comparing ita with colour story reading
JK Jones
Educational Research 10 (3), 226-234, 1968
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Articles 1–20