Dharmesh Chandra Saxena
Dharmesh Chandra Saxena
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Total dietary fibre and antioxidant activity of gluten free cookies made from raw and germinated amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) flour
A Chauhan, DC Saxena, S Singh
LWT-Food Science and Technology 63 (2), 939-945, 2015
Production of resistant starch from rice by dual autoclaving-retrogradation treatment: Invitro digestibility, thermal and structural characterization
BA Ashwar, A Gani, IA Wani, A Shah, FA Masoodi, DC Saxena
Food Hydrocolloids 56, 108-117, 2016
Effect of incorporating sweet potato flour to wheat flour on the quality characteristics of cookies
S Singh, CS Riar, DC Saxena
African journal of food science 2 (6), 65-72, 2008
Physical, textural, and sensory characteristics of wheat and amaranth flour blend cookies
A Chauhan, DC Saxena, S Singh
Cogent Food & Agriculture 2 (1), 1125773, 2016
Some characteristics of acetylated, cross-linked and dual modified Indian rice starches
CS Raina, S Singh, AS Bawa, DC Saxena
European Food Research and Technology 223, 561-570, 2006
Formulation of extruded snack food (gum based cereal–pulse blend): optimization of ingredients levels using response surface methodology
S Thakur, DC Saxena
LWT-Food Science and Technology 33 (5), 354-361, 2000
Physico-chemical, textural, sensory and antioxidant characteristics of gluten–Free cookies made from raw and germinated Chenopodium (Chenopodium album) flour
R Jan, DC Saxena, S Singh
LWT-Food Science and Technology 71, 281-287, 2016
Drying and rehydration characteristics of water chestnut (Trapa natans) as a function of drying air temperature
GD Singh, R Sharma, AS Bawa, DC Saxena
Journal of food engineering 87 (2), 213-221, 2008
Effect of pretreatments on drying and rehydration kinetics and color of sweet potato slices
S Singh, CS Raina, AS Bawa, DC Saxena
Drying Technology 24 (11), 1487-1494, 2006
Analysing the effect of germination on phenolics, dietary fibres, minerals and γ-amino butyric acid contents of barnyard millet (Echinochloa frumentaceae)
S Sharma, DC Saxena, CS Riar
Food Bioscience 13, 60-68, 2016
Effect of temperature, alkali concentration, mixing time and meal/solvent ratio on the extraction of watermelon seed proteins—a response surface approach
AA Wani, DS Sogi, L Grover, DC Saxena
Biosystems engineering 94 (1), 67-73, 2006
Effect of heat‐moisture treatment and acid modification on rheological, textural, and differential scanning calorimetry characteristics of sweetpotato starch
S Singh, CS Raina, AS Bawa, DC Saxena
Journal of Food Science 70 (6), e373-e378, 2005
Changes in the GABA and polyphenols contents of foxtail millet on germination and their relationship with in vitro antioxidant activity
S Sharma, DC Saxena, CS Riar
Food Chemistry 245, 863-870, 2018
Sweet potato‐based pasta product: optimization of ingredient levels using response surface methodology
S Singh, CS Raina, AS Bawa, DC Saxena
International journal of food science & technology 39 (2), 191-200, 2004
Nutritional, sensory and in-vitro antioxidant characteristics of gluten free cookies prepared from flour blends of minor millets
CSR Seema Sharma, Dharmesh C. Saxena
Journal of Cereal Science 72, 153-161, 2016
Antioxidant activity, total phenolics, flavonoids and antinutritional characteristics of germinated foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
S Sharma, DC Saxena, CS Riar
Cogent Food & Agriculture 1 (1), 1081728, 2015
Effect of heat-moisture and acid treatment on physicochemical, pasting, thermal and morphological properties of Horse Chestnut (Aesculus indica) starch
SI Rafiq, S Singh, DC Saxena
Food Hydrocolloids 57, 103-113, 2016
Effect of germination on chemical, functional and nutritional characteristics of wheat, brown rice and triticale: a comparative study
MS Sibian, DC Saxena, CS Riar
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97 (13), 4643-4651, 2017
Influence of heat‐moisture treatment and acid modifications on physicochemical, rheological, thermal and morphological characteristics of Indian water chestnut (trapa natans …
GD Singh, AS Bawa, CS Riar, DC Saxena
Starch‐Stärke 61 (9), 503-513, 2009
Textural characteristics of pasta made from rice flour supplemented with proteins and hydrocolloids
CS Raina, S Singh, AS Bawa, DC Saxena
Journal of Texture Studies 36 (4), 402-420, 2005
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Articles 1–20