José Pascual Molina Massó
Cited by
Cited by
Identifying virtual 3D geometric shapes with a vibrotactile glove
J Martínez, A García, M Oliver, JP Molina, P González
IEEE computer graphics and applications 36 (1), 42-51, 2014
Assessment of cognitive instrumental activities of daily living: a systematic review
D Romero-Ayuso, Á Castillero-Perea, P González, E Navarro, ...
Disability and rehabilitation 43 (10), 1342-1358, 2021
Vitaki: a vibrotactile prototyping toolkit for virtual reality and video games
J Martínez, AS García, M Oliver, JP Molina, P González
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 30 (11), 855-871, 2014
Evaluation of text input techniques in immersive virtual environments
G González, JP Molina, AS García, D Martínez, P González
New Trends on Human–Computer Interaction: Research, Development, New Tools …, 2009
Ambient intelligence environment for home cognitive telerehabilitation
M Oliver, MA Teruel, JP Molina, D Romero-Ayuso, P González
Sensors 18 (11), 3671, 2018
Collaborative Computer-Assisted Cognitive Rehabilitation System. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ISSN: 2255-2863)
M Oliver, JP Molina, A Fernández-Caballero, P González
Salamanca 6 (3), 2017
Towards virtualization of user interfaces based on UsiXML
JP Molina Massó, J Vanderdonckt, FM Simarro, PG López
Proceedings of the tenth international conference on 3D Web technology, 169-178, 2005
Enhancing collaborative manipulation through the use of feedback and awareness in CVEs
AS García, JP Molina, D Martínez, P González
Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGGRAPH international Conference on Virtual …, 2008
Model-based design of adaptive user interfaces through connectors
V López-Jaquero, F Montero, JP Molina, A Fernández-Caballero, ...
Interactive Systems. Design, Specification, and Verification: 10th …, 2003
Bridging the gap: developing 2D and 3D user interfaces with the IDEAS methodology
JP Molina, P González, MD Lozano, F Montero, V López-Jaquero
Interactive Systems. Design, Specification, and Verification: 10th …, 2003
A seamless development process of adaptive user interfaces explicitly based on usability properties
V López-Jaquero, F Montero, JP Molina, P González, ...
IFIP International Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction …, 2004
Adaptive, multisensorial, physiological and social: the next generation of telerehabilitation systems
E Navarro, P González, V López-Jaquero, F Montero, JP Molina, ...
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 12, 43, 2018
Intelligent user interfaces: Past, present and future
VL Jaquero, F Montero, JP Molina, P Gonz´ lez
Engineering the User Interface: From Research to Practice, 1-12, 2008
Direct manipulation of user interfaces for migration
JPM Massó, J Vanderdonckt, PG López
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2006
An empirical evaluation of different haptic feedback for shape and texture recognition
J Martínez, AS García, JP Molina, D Martínez, P González
The Visual Computer 29, 111-121, 2013
Comparison of force and vibrotactile feedback with direct stimulation for texture recognition
J Martinez, D Martinez, JP Molina, P Gonz, A Garcia
2011 International Conference on Cyberworlds, 62-68, 2011
Self-regulation in children with neurodevelopmental disorders “SR-MRehab: un colegio emocionante”: a protocol study
D Romero-Ayuso, P Alcántara-Vázquez, A Almenara-García, ...
International Journal of environmental research and public health 17 (12), 4198, 2020
RGB‐D assistive technologies for acquired brain injury: description and assessment of user experience
M Oliver, F Montero, A Fernández‐Caballero, P González, JP Molina
Expert Systems 32 (3), 370-380, 2015
Rapid prototyping of distributed user interfaces
JPM Massó, J Vanderdonckt, PG López, A Fernández-Caballero, ...
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces V, 151-166, 2007
NaviFields: Relevance fields for adaptive VR navigation
RA Montano Murillo, E Gatti, M Oliver Segovia, M Obrist, JP Molina Masso, ...
Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and …, 2017
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Articles 1–20