Mikel Landabaso
Mikel Landabaso
Director Fair and Sustainable Economy
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Cited by
Guide to research and innovation strategies for smart specialisations
D Foray, J Goddard, XG Beldarrain, M Landabaso, P McCann, K Morgan, ...
European Commission, 2012
The regional innovation paradox: innovation policy and industrial policy
C Oughton, M Landabaso, K Morgan
The Journal of Technology Transfer 27 (1), 97-110, 2002
The promotion of innovation in regional policy: proposals for a regional innovation strategy
M Landabaso
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 9 (1), 1-24, 1997
Guide to research and innovation strategies for smart specialisations (RIS 3)
RO Argiles, J Goddard, X Goenaga, M Landabaso, K Morgan, ...
Publications Office of the European Union, 2012
Learning regions in Europe: theory, policy and practice through the RIS experience
M Landabaso, C Oughton, K Morgan
Guest editorial on research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation in Europe: Theory and practice of new innovation policy approaches
M Landabaso
European Journal of Innovation Management 17 (4), 378-389, 2014
11. Learning about innovation in Europe’s regional policy
N Bellini, M Landabaso¹
The learning region: Foundations, state of the art, future, 231, 2007
Developing regional innovation strategies: the European Commission as animateur
M Landabaso, A Reid
Regional innovation strategies, 18-38, 2004
Innovation networks and regional policy in Europe
M Landabaso, C Oughton, K Morgan
Innovation networks: Concepts and challenges in the European perspective …, 2001
Towards a different regional innovation policy: eight years of European experience through the European Regional Development Fund innovative actions
M Landabaso, B Mouton
Regional development and conditions for innovation in the network society …, 2005
Merits, problems and paradoxes of regional innovation policies
F Grillo, M Landabaso
Local economy 26 (6-7), 544-561, 2011
Innovation and regional development policy
M Landabaso
Knowledge, Innovation and Economic Growth, 73-94, 2000
Time for the real economy: The need for new forms of public entrepreneurship
M Landabaso
Scienze Regionali, 2014
Learning Regions in Europe: Theory
M Landabaso, C Oughton, K Morgan
Policy and Practice through the RIS Experience. Ponencia presentada en el …, 1999
What public policies can and cannot do for regional development
M Landabaso
Innovation, global change and territorial resilience, 2012
Public policies for industrial districts and clusters
M Landabaso, S Rosenfeld
A handbook of industrial districts, 2009
Guide to research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS 3), smart specialisation platform
D Foray, J Goddard, X Goenaga Beldarrain, M Landabaso, P McCann, ...
Seville: IPTS Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint …, 2012
RIS3 guide
D Foray, J Goddard, X Goenaga, M Landabaso, P McCann, K Morgan, ...
European Commission/Joint Research Centre: Seville, Spain, 2011
Regional innovation strategies; a tool to improve social capital and institutional efficiency? Lessons from the European Regional Development Fund innovative actions
M Landabaso, B Mouton, M Miedzinski
conference of the Regional Studies Association “Reinventing regions in a …, 2003
EU policy on innovation and regional development
M Landabaso
Knowledge, innovation and economic growth: the theory and practice of …, 2000
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Articles 1–20