Dimitrios Drosos
Dimitrios Drosos
Associate Professor in University of West Attica, Department of Business Administration
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Cited by
A social assessment of the usage of renewable energy sources and its contribution to life quality: The case of an Attica urban area in Greece
S Ntanos, G Kyriakopoulos, M Chalikias, G Arabatzis, M Skordoulis, ...
Sustainability 10 (5), 1414, 2018
Evaluating Customer Satisfaction in Energy Markets Using a Multicriteria Method: The Case of Electricity Market in Greece
D Drosos, GL Kyriakopoulos, G Arabatzis, N Tsotsolas
Sustainability 12 (9), 3862, 2020
Emotional Intelligence and Workplace Conflict Resolution: The Case of Secondary Education Teachers in Greece.
M Skordoulis, MK Liagkis, G Sidiropoulos, D Drosos
International Journal of Research in Education and Science 6 (4), 521-533, 2020
E-commerce and e-customer satisfaction during the economic crisis
M Skordoulis, I Kaskouta, M Chalikias, D Drosos
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development 11 (1 …, 2018
The strategic role of information technology in tourism: The case of global distribution systems
D Drosos, M Chalikias, M Skordoulis, P Kalantonis, A Papagrigoriou
Tourism, Culture and Heritage in a Smart Economy: Third International …, 2017
Determinants of customer satisfaction in healthcare industry: the case of the Hellenic Red Cross
M Chalikias, D Drosos, M Skordoulis, N Tsotsolas
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 7 (4), 311-321, 2016
Evaluating customer satisfaction: the case of the mobile telephony industry in Greece
D Drosos, N Tsotsolas, M Chalikias, M Skordoulis, M Koniordos
Creativity in Intelligent, Technologies and Data Science, 249-267, 2015
Customer satisfaction evaluation for Greek online travel agencies
D Drosos, N Tsotsolas
Hospitality, travel, and tourism: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and …, 2015
Patient satisfaction analysis using a multi-criteria analysis method: The case of the NHS in Greece
D Drosos, N Tsotsolas, M Skordoulis, M Chalikias
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 25 (4), 491-505, 2018
School Managers Perceptions towards Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources
D Drosos, GL Kyriakopoulos, S Ntanos, A Parissi
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 2021
Measuring industrial customer satisfaction: The case of the natural gas market in Greece
D Drosos, M Skordoulis, G Arabatzis, N Tsotsolas, S Galatsidas
Sustainability 11 (7), 1905, 2019
The role of environmental responsibility in tourism
D Drosos, M Skordoulis
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development 11 (1 …, 2018
Managing Change and Managerial Innovation towards Employees Satisfaction at Workplace
D Drosos, GL Kyriakopoulos, EC Gkika, F Komisopoulos, M Skordoulis, ...
TEM Journal 10 (2), 597-606, 2021
The impact of ISO 9001 quality management system implementation in tourism SMEs
D Drosos, M Skordoulis, M Chalikias, P Kalantonis, A Papagrigoriou
Tourism, Culture and Heritage in a Smart Economy: Third International …, 2017
MUlticriteria Satisfaction Analysis Application in the Health Care Sector.
D Drosos, N Tsotsolas, A Zagga, MS Chalikias, M Skordoulis
HAICTA, 737-754, 2015
Measuring the impact of customer satisfaction on business profitability: An empirical study
D Drosos, M Skordoulis, M Chalikias
International Journal of Technology Marketing 13 (2), 143-155, 2019
Retail customers’ satisfaction with banks in Greece: A multicriteria analysis of a dataset
D Drosos, M Skordoulis, N Tsotsolas, GL Kyriakopoulos, EC Gkika, ...
Data in Brief 35, 106915, 2021
Determinants of consumers' behaviour toward alcohol drinks: the case of Greek millennials
A Armira, E Armira, D Drosos, M Skordoulis, M Chalikias
International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management 10 (1 …, 2016
The relationship between customer satisfaction and market share: The case of mobile sector in Greece
D Drosos, N Tsotsolas, P Manolintzas
International Journal of Engineering and Management 3 (2), 87-105, 2011
Evaluating the Public Sector in Greece: The case of Citizens’ Service Centers
P Manolitzas, D Yannacopoulos, N Tsotsolas, D Drosos
4th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation …, 2010
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Articles 1–20