Gheorghe-Teodor Bercea
Gheorghe-Teodor Bercea
Research Staff Member, IBM Research
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Cited by
Firedrake: automating the finite element method by composing abstractions
F Rathgeber, DA Ham, L Mitchell, M Lange, F Luporini, ATT McRae, ...
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 43 (3), 1-27, 2016
Offloading support for OpenMP in Clang and LLVM
SF Antao, A Bataev, AC Jacob, GT Bercea, AE Eichenberger, G Rokos, ...
2016 Third Workshop on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in HPC (LLVM-HPC), 1-11, 2016
Automated generation and symbolic manipulation of tensor product finite elements
ATT McRae, GT Bercea, L Mitchell, DA Ham, CJ Cotter
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (5), S25-S47, 2016
Cross-loop optimization of arithmetic intensity for finite element local assembly
F Luporini, AL Varbanescu, F Rathgeber, GT Bercea, J Ramanujam, ...
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 11 (4), 1-25, 2015
Integrating GPU support for OpenMP offloading directives into Clang
C Bertolli, SF Antao, GT Bercea, AC Jacob, AE Eichenberger, T Chen, ...
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in …, 2015
Compiling onnx neural network models using mlir
T Jin, GT Bercea, TD Le, T Chen, G Su, H Imai, Y Negishi, A Leu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.08272, 2020
Firedrake user manual
DA Ham, PHJ Kelly, L Mitchell, CJ Cotter, RC Kirby, K Sagiyama, ...
Imperial College London and University of Oxford and Baylor University and …, 2023
A structure-exploiting numbering algorithm for finite elements on extruded meshes, and its performance evaluation in Firedrake. Geoscientific Model Development, 9 (10): 3803 …
GT Bercea, ATT McRae, DA Ham, L Mitchell, F Rathgeber, L Nardi, ...
gmd-9-3803-2016, 2016
Performance analysis of OpenMP on a GPU using a CORAL proxy application
GT Bercea, C Bertolli, SF Antao, AC Jacob, AE Eichenberger, T Chen, ...
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Performance Modeling …, 2015
Performance analysis and optimization of Clang's OpenMP 4.5 GPU support
M Martineau, S McIntosh-Smith, C Bertolli, AC Jacob, SF Antao, ...
2016 7th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and …, 2016
Early experiences porting three applications to OpenMP 4.5
I Karlin, T Scogland, AC Jacob, SF Antao, GT Bercea, C Bertolli, ...
OpenMP: Memory, Devices, and Tasks: 12th International Workshop on OpenMP …, 2016
Generalizing run-time tiling with the loop chain abstraction
MM Strout, F Luporini, CD Krieger, C Bertolli, GT Bercea, C Olschanowsky, ...
2014 IEEE 28th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2014
Efficient fork-join on GPUs through warp specialization
AC Jacob, AE Eichenberger, H Sung, SF Antao, GT Bercea, C Bertolli, ...
2017 IEEE 24th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC …, 2017
COFFEE: an optimizing compiler for finite element local assembly
F Luporini, AL Varbanescu, F Rathgeber, GT Bercea, J Ramanujam, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.0904, 2014
Reliable actors with retry orchestration
O Tardieu, D Grove, GT Bercea, P Castro, J Cwiklik, E Epstein
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 7 (PLDI), 1293-1316, 2023
Implementing implicit OpenMP data sharing on GPUs
GT Bercea, C Bertolli, AC Jacob, A Eichenberger, A Bataev, G Rokos, ...
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in …, 2017
Porting HPC Applications to AMD Instinct™ MI300A using Unified Memory and OpenMP®
S Tandon, L Grinberg, GT Bercea, C Bertolli, M Olesen, S Bna, N Malaya
ISC High Performance 2024 Research Paper Proceedings (39th International …, 2024
firedrake: An automated finite element system
L Mitchell, DA Ham, F Rathgeber, M Homolya, ATT McRae, GT Bercea, ...
Zenodo, 2016
Towards performance portable gpu programming with raja
A Jacob, SF Antao, H Sung, AE Eichenberger, C Bertolli, GT Bercea, ...
Workshop on Portability Among HPC Architectures for Scientific Applications, 2015
Firedrake: Re-imagining fenics by composing domainspecific abstractions
F Rathgeber, L Mitchell, D Ham, M Lange, A McRae, F Luporini, G Bercea, ...
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Articles 1–20