Ahmad R. Naghsh-Nilchi
Ahmad R. Naghsh-Nilchi
Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Computer Eng., University of Isfahan
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Cited by
Noise tolerant local binary pattern operator for efficient texture analysis
A Fathi, AR Naghsh-Nilchi
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (9), 1093-1100, 2012
Efficient image denoising method based on a new adaptive wavelet packet thresholding function
A Fathi, AR Naghsh-Nilchi
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 21 (9), 3981-3990, 2012
Automatic wavelet-based retinal blood vessels segmentation and vessel diameter estimation
A Fathi, AR Naghsh-Nilchi
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 8 (1), 71-80, 2013
Robust Digital Image Watermarking based on Joint DWT-DCT
SK Amirgholipour, R Ahmad
International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications 3 (2), 2009
A new robust digital image watermarking technique based on joint DWT-DCT transformation
SA Kasmani, A Naghsh-Nilchi
2008 third international conference on convergence and hybrid information …, 2008
Epilepsy seizure detection using eigen-system spectral estimation and Multiple Layer Perceptron neural network
AR Naghsh-Nilchi, M Aghashahi
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 5 (2), 147-157, 2010
A dictionary learning approach for human sperm heads classification
F Shaker, SA Monadjemi, J Alirezaie, AR Naghsh-Nilchi
Computers in biology and medicine 91, 181-190, 2017
A framework for sentiment analysis in persian
ME Basiri, AR Naghsh-Nilchi, N Ghassem-Aghaee
Open transactions on information processing 1 (3), 1-14, 2014
Sentiment prediction based on dempster‐shafer theory of evidence
ME Basiri, AR Naghsh-Nilchi, N Ghasem-Aghaee
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014 (1), 361201, 2014
Medical ultrasound image compression using contextual vector quantization
SM Hosseini, AR Naghsh-Nilchi
Computers in biology and medicine 42 (7), 743-750, 2012
Assessing information diffusion models for influence maximization in signed social networks
M Hosseini-Pozveh, K Zamanifar, AR Naghsh-Nilchi
Expert Systems with Applications 119, 476-490, 2019
Exploiting reviewers’ comment histories for sentiment analysis
ME Basiri, N Ghasem-Aghaee, AR Naghsh-Nilchi
Journal of Information Science 40 (3), 313-328, 2014
A community-based approach to identify the most influential nodes in social networks
M Hosseini-Pozveh, K Zamanifar, AR Naghsh-Nilchi
Journal of Information Science 43 (2), 204-220, 2017
Cauchy based matched filter for retinal vessels detection
H Zolfagharnasab, AR Naghsh-Nilchi
Journal of Medical Signals & Sensors 4 (1), 1-9, 2014
Recognition-based segmentation in Persian character recognition
M Zand, AN Nilchi, SA Monadjemi
World Academy of Scienci, Engineering and Technology 38, 183-187, 2008
Automatic detection and segmentation of sperm head, acrosome and nucleus in microscopic images of human semen smears
F Shaker, SA Monadjemi, AR Naghsh-Nilchi
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 132, 11-20, 2016
Lexicon-based sentiment analysis in Persian
ME Basiri, NG Aghaee, AR Naghsh-Nilchi
Intelligent Computational Systems: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective, 154-183, 2017
An efficient algorithm for motion detection based facial expression recognition using optical flow
AR Naghsh-Nilchi, M Roshanzamir
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering 2 (8), 2724-2729, 2008
General rotation-invariant local binary patterns operator with application to blood vessel detection in retinal images
A Fathi, AR Naghsh-Nilchi
Pattern Analysis and Applications 17, 69-81, 2014
A new robust digital image watermarking technique based on the Discrete Cosine Transform and Neural Network
ARN Nilchi, A Taheri
2008 International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies, 1-7, 2008
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Articles 1–20