Ross Vennell
Ross Vennell
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Cited by
Wave drag on human swimmers
R Vennell, D Pease, B Wilson
Journal of Biomechanics 39 (4), 664-671, 2006
Tuning turbines in a tidal channel
R Vennell
Journal of fluid mechanics 663, 253-267, 2010
Designing large arrays of tidal turbines: A synthesis and review
R Vennell, SW Funke, S Draper, C Stevens, T Divett
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41, 454-472, 2015
Exceeding the Betz Limit with Tidal Turbines
R Vennell
Renewable Energy 55, 277-285, 2013
Tuning tidal turbines in-concert to maximise farm efficiency
R Vennell
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 671, 587-604, 2011
Optimisation of Multiple Turbine Arrays in a Channel with Tidally Reversing Flow by Numerical Modelling with Adaptive Mesh
T Divett, R Vennell, C Stevens
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2011
The Energetics of Large Tidal Turbine Arrays
Vennell, Ross
Renewable Energy 48, 210–219, 2012
Estimating the power potential of tidal currents and the impact of power extraction on flow speeds
R Vennell
Renewable Energy 36 (12), 3558–3565, 2011
The salt fluxes in a tidally-energetic estuary
JH Simpson, R Vennell, AJ Souza
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 52 (1), 131-142, 2001
Platelet ice and the land-fast sea ice of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
IJ Smith, PJ Langhorne, TG Haskell, H Joe Trodahl, R Frew, R Vennell
Annals of Glaciology 33 (1), 21-27, 2001
Realizing the potential of tidal currents and the efficiency of turbine farms in a channel
R Vennell
Renewable Energy 47, 95-102, 2012
Interaction of the Subtropical Front with Topography Around Southern New Zealand
RO Smith, R Vennell, HC Bostock, MJM Williams
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 2013
Resonance and trapping of topographic transient ocean waves generated by a moving atmospheric disturbance
R Vennell
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 650, 427-442, 2010
Acoustic Doppler current profiler measurements of tidal phase and amplitude in Cook Strait, New Zealand
R Vennell
Continental Shelf Research 14 (4), 353-364, 1994
Sea ice growth rates near ice shelves
IJ Smith, PJ Langhorne, RD Frew, R Vennell, TG Haskell
Cold Regions Science and Technology 83, 57-70, 2012
ADCP measurements of momentum balance and dynamic topography in a constricted tidal channel
R Vennell
Journal of Physical Oceanography 36 (2), 177-188, 2006
A front-following algorithm for AVHRR SST imagery
AGP Shaw, R Vennell
Remote sensing of environment 72 (3), 317-327, 2000
Acoustic Doppler current profiler measurements of the velocity field of an ebb tidal jet
CP Old, R Vennell
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 106 (C4), 7037-7049, 2001
Measurements of an oceanic front using a front-following algorithm for AVHRR SST imagery
AGP Shaw, R Vennell
Remote sensing of environment 75 (1), 47-62, 2001
Prediction of fluid forces acting on a hand model in unsteady flow conditions
S Kudo, T Yanai, B Wilson, H Takagi, R Vennell
Journal of biomechanics 41 (5), 1131-1136, 2008
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Articles 1–20